

連絡先 :高橋 太、杉山由恵
E-mail :futoshi@sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp(高橋)
運営委員 :高橋、杉山、佐藤洋平(大阪市立大学数学研究所)
 壁谷 喜継、川上 竜樹(大阪府立大・工)
日時 10月29日(土)13:30~17:45
場所 大阪府立大学中百舌鳥キャンパスB5棟1 B33教室
講演者(所属) 13:30-14:20
Chiun-Chuan Chen 氏 (台湾大学・数学系)
タイトル Travelling wave solutions of a free boundary problem for a two-species competitive model
アブストラクト We study a diffusive logistic system with a free boundary in ecology proposed by Mimura, Yamada and Yotsutani. Motivated by the spreading-vanishing dichotomy obtained by Du and Lin, we suppose the spreading speed of the free boundary tends to a constant as time tends to infinity.
講演者(所属) 14:35-15:25
タイトル Convergence to Barenblatt Profiles for the Fast Diffusion Equation
アブストラクト We study the asymptotic behavior of positive solutions of the Cauchy problem for the fast diffusion equation at the extinction time. We find a continuum of rates of convergence to a self-similar profile. These rates depend explicitly on the spatial decay rates of initial data.
講演者(所属) 15:50-16:40
Yuan Lou 氏(Ohio State Univ.)
タイトル Persistence of a single phytoplankton species
アブストラクト Phytoplankton need light to grow. However, most of phytoplankton are heavier than water, so they sink. How can sinking phytoplankton persist? We investigate a nonlocal reaction-diffusion-advection equation which models the growth of a single phytoplankton species in a water column where the species depends solely on light for its metabolism. We study the effect of sinking rate, water column depth and vertical turbulent diffusion rate on the persistence of a single phytoplankton species. This is based upon a joint work with Sze-Bi Hsu, National Tsing-Hua University.
講演者(所属) 16:55-17:45
タイトル Spectrum comparison for a reaction-diffusion system with conservation of a mass
アブストラクト PDF参照
日時 7月2日(土)14:00~17:30
場所 大阪市立大学理学部棟3階数学講究室(3040号室)
講演者(所属) 14:00~15:00
林仲夫氏 (大阪大学・大学院理学研究科)
タイトル 双線形作用素の評価と非線形Klein-Gordon方程式への応用
アブストラクト We study the existence of the wave operators for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with quadratic nonlinearity in two space dimensions. We prove existence of wave operators in lower order Sobolev spaces by using estimates of bilinear operators associated with Klein-Gordon equation.
講演者(所属) 15:15~16:15
小川卓克氏 (東北大学・大学院理学研究科)
タイトル TBA
アブストラクト TBA
講演者(所属) 16:30~17:30
鈴木貴氏 (大阪大学・大学院基礎工学研究科)
タイトル Competitive system of chemotaxis
アブストラクト PDF
日時 5月14日(土)14:00~17:30
場所 大阪市立大学理学部棟3階数学講究室(3040号室)
講演者(所属) 14:00-15:00
タイトル Generalized Lax-Milgram theorem in Banach spaces and its application to the elliptic system of boundary value problems
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講演者(所属) 15:15~16:15
タイトル 完全非線形楕円型方程式のL^p粘性解の最大値原理とその応用の最近の進展
アブストラクト PDF参照
講演者(所属) 16:30~17:30
タイトル 1-D quintic NLS with white noise dispersion
アブストラクト We consider the Cauchy problem for the 1-D quintic NLS with white noise dispersion. This equation is thought of as the limit of the NLS with random dispersion, which describes the propagation of a signal in an optical fiber with managed dispersion. We show the almost surely global existence of solution, no matter whether the coefficient of nonlinear term is positive or negative, while there are blowup solutions in the deternimistic focusing case. Our proof is based on the stochastic version of the Strichartz estimate. This is a joint work with Arnaud Debussche (Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, Attenne de Bretagne).
最終更新日: 2017年5月31日