■ 論文/著書 (2000~)
Nakamura, M., Nanami, S., Okuno, S., Hirota, S. K., Matsuo, A., Suyama, Y., Tokumoto, H., Yoshihara, S., & Itoh, A. (2021) Genetic diversity and structure of apomictic and sexually reproducing Lindera species (Lauraceae) in Japan. Forests 12(2), 227. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12020227.
Davies JS, et al. (2021) ForestGEO: understanding forest diversity and dynamics through a Global Observatory Network. Biological Conservation 253, 108907. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108907.
Russo S, McMahon SM, Detto M, Ledder G, Wright SJ, Condit R, Davies SJ, Ashton PS, Bunyavejchewin S, Chang-Yang CH, Ediriweera S, Ewango C, Fletcher C, Foster RB, Gunatilleke CVS, Gunatilleke IAUN, Hart T, Hsieh CF, Hubbell S, Itoh A, Kassim AR, Yao TZ, Lin Y, Makana J-R, Mohamad M, Ong P, Sugiyama A, Sun IF, Tan S, Thompson J, Yamakura T, Yap S, Zimmerman JK (2021) The interspecific growth-mortality trade-off is not a general framework for understanding tropical forest community structure. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5(2):174–183. doi: 10.1038/s41559-020-01340-9.
Weemstra M, Peay KG, Davies SJ, Mohamad M, Itoh A, Tan S, Yamakura T (2020) Lithological constraints on resource economies shape the mycorrhizal composition of a Bornean rain forest. New Phytologist, 228:253–268. doi: 10.1111/nph.16672.
伊東明・名波哲・神崎護・山倉拓夫 (2019) 春日山原始林の樹木動態―20年間のモニタリングから―. 地域自然史と保全 41(2): 89-96.
Hirayama D, Okada M, Nanami S, Itoh A (2019). Correlation between the shoot-cutting behavior of the acorn weevil and the reproductive traits of host fagaceous trees. Plant Species Biology 34(4), 184–191. doi:10.1111/1442-1984.12246
Smith JR, Ghazoul J, Burslem DFRP, Itoh A, Khoo E, Lee SL, Maycock CR,
Nanami S, Ng KKS and Kettle CJ (2018) Are patterns of fine-scale spatial
genetic structure consistent between sites within tropical tree species?
PLoS ONE 13(3): e0193501. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193501
Lutz JA et al. (2018) Global importance of large-diameter trees.
Global Biogeography and Ecology 27(7): 849–864. doi: 10.1111/geb.12747.
Smith JR, Ghazoul J, Burslem DFRP, Itoh A, Khoo E, Lee SL, Maycock CR,
Nanami S, Ng KKS and Kettle CJ (2018) Are patterns of fine-scale spatial
genetic structure consistent between sites within tropical tree species?
PLoS ONE 13(3): e0193501. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193501
今村彰生・齋藤輝志・伊東明 (2018) 北海道にも雑種タンポポが生育している可能性について.
旭川市北邦野草園研究報告 6: 15–20.
Moriya YD, Nanami S, Sumikura J, Yamakura T & Itoh A (2017) Clonal
structure, growth pattern, and preemptive space occupancy through sprouting
of an invasive tree, Triadica sebifera. Journal Forest Research 22: 8–14, doi:10.1080/13416979.2016.1265757.
Ohya I, Itoh A and Nanami S (2017) Dioecious plants are more precocious than cosexual plants: a comparative study on relative size at onset of sexual maturity in 30 forest woody species. Ecology and Evolution 7(15): 5660–5668. doi: 10.1002/ece3.3117
大矢樹・岡本真帆・武田紗季・伊東明・名波哲 (2017) 春日山原始林において観察記録が途絶えた希少鳥類の音声による探索. 地域自然史と保全 39(1): 61-70.
Matsuyama S, Morimoto M, Harata T, Nanami S and Itoh A (2017) Clone diversity and genetic affinity in native Taraxacum japonicum, exotic T. officinale, and polyploid hybrid dandelions. Conservation Genetics 19: 181–191. doi: 10.1007/s10592-017-1014-y
Del-Rio G, Rêgo MA, Silveira LF and Itoh A (2017) Plant invasion: Another
threat to the São Paulo Marsh Antwren (Formicivora paludicola), a species on the verge of extinction. PLoS ONE 12(12):e0189465. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189465
Nanami S, Itoh A, Yamakura T, Tan S, Diway B & Chong L (2016) Gene flow through pollination of dipterocarp tree species in a Bornean rainforest.
In Proceedings of International Symposium "Frontier in Tropical Forest Research: Progress in Joint Projects between the Forest Department Sarawak and the Japan Research Consortium for Tropical Forests in Sarawak".
pp. 52-59.
Kamiya K, Harada K, Nanami S, Itoh A, Diway BM & Chong L (2016) Molecular phylogeny and evolution of tropical forest trees.
In Proceedings of International Symposium "Frontier in Tropical Forest Research: Progress in Joint Projects between the Forest Department Sarawak and the Japan Research Consortium for Tropical Forests in Sarawak".
pp. 30-37.
伊東明 (2016) 植物の分布パターン. 日本植物学会編「植物学の百科事典」丸善出版, 東京, pp. 246–247.
伊東明・山口陽子・高田こころ・名波哲 (2016) 西日本における雑種タンポポの分布状況と5年間の変化.『タンポポ調査・西日本2015調査報告書』(タンポポ調査・西日本2015実行委員会編)pp. 59–63.
Slik JW et al. (2015) An estimate of the number of
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Tito de Morais, C., Ghazoul, J., Maycock, C.R., Bagchi, R., Burslem, D.F.R.P., Khoo, E., Itoh, A., Nanami, S., Matsuyama, S., Finger, A., Ismail, S.A. & Kettle, C.J. (2015) Understanding local patterns of genetic diversity in dipterocarps using a multi-site, multi-species approach: Implications for forest management and restoration. Forest Ecology and Management 356: 153–165.
Tobita H., Nanami S., Hasegawa S.F., Yazaki K., Komatsu M. & Kitao
M. (2015) Spatial distribution of regenerated woody plants in Alnus hirsuta
(Turcz.) var. sibirica stand in Japan. Open Journal of Forestry 5: 210–220.
Sungpalee W, Itoh A, Sri-Ngernyuang K, Nanami S & Kanzaki M (2015)
Spatial biomass variation, biomass dynamics and species diversity in relation
to topographic factors of lower tropical montane forest. Thai Journal of Forestry, 34: 69–82.
伊東明 (2015) 巻頭言 タンポポ調査とCitizen Science. 地域自然史と保全 37(2): 81–82.
Mori S, Itoh A, Nanami S, Tan S, Chong L and Yamakura T (2013) Effect of
wood density and water permeability on wood decomposition rates of 32 Bornean
rainforest trees. Journalof Plant Ecology: in press. doi:10.1093/jpe/rtt041
Sato H, Adenyo C, Harata T, Nanami S, Itoh A, Takahata Y & Inoue-Maruyama
M. (2014) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci for a large-seeded
tree Protorhus deflexa (Anacardiaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 2(1): 1300046. doi:10.3732/apps.1300046.
伊東明・松山周平 (2014) 植物園のタンポポ-在来タンポポの保全と雑種問題-. 植松千代美編「都市・森・人をつなぐ―森の植物園からの提言」京都大学学術出版会, 京都, pp. 61–77.
依田綾子・前迫ゆり・名波哲・神崎護 (2014) 春日山原始林におけるツクバネガシの種子および当年生実生の初期動態. 地域自然史と保全(関西自然保護機構会誌)36: 59–66.
伊東明・高田こころ (2015) 雑種タンポポの分析状況.西日本タンポポ調査ニュース No. 4: 2–3.
Mori S, Itoh A, Nanami S, Tan S, Chong L and Yamakura T (2013) Effect of
wood density and water permeability on wood decomposition rates of 32 Bornean
rainforest trees. Journalof Plant Ecology: 7(4): 356–363. doi:10.1093/jpe/rtt041
Chisholm RA, Muller-Landau HC, Abd. Rahman K, Bebber DP, Bin Yue, Bohlman SA, Bourg NA, Brinks J, Brokaw N, Bunyavejchewin S, Butt N, Cao H, Cao M, Cárdena D, Chang LW, Chiang JM, Chuyong G, Condit R, Dattaraja HS, Davies S, Duque A, Fletcher C, Gunatilleke CVS, Gunatilleke IAUN, Hao Z, Harrison RD, Howe R, Hsieh CF, Hubbell S, Itoh A, Kenfack D, Kiratiprayoon S, Larson AJ, Juyu L, Lin D, Liu H, Lutz JA, Ma K, Malhi Y, McMahon S, McShea W, Meegaskumbura M, Mohd. Razman S, Morecroft MD, Nytch C, Oliveira A, Parker GR, Pulla S, Punchi-Manage R, Romero H, Sang W, Schurman J, Su SH, Sukumar R, Sun IF, Suresh HS, Tan S, Thomas D, Thomas S, Thompson J, Valencia R, Vicentini A, Wolf A, Yap S, Ye W, Yuan Z and Zimmerman J (2013) Scale-dependent relationships between species richness and ecosystem function in forests. Journal of Ecology; 101: 1214–1224. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12132
Sato H, Adenyo C, Harata T, Nanami S, Itoh A, Takahata Y and Inoue-Murayama
M (2013) Development of microsatellite markers for Astrotrichilia
asterotricha (Meliaceae), an endemic tree in Madagascar, using next-generation sequencing
technology. Conservation Genetics Resources: DOI 10.1007/s12686-013-9943-3.
Harrison RD, Tan T, Plotkin JB, Slik F, Detto M, Brenes T, Itoh A and Davies
SJ (2013) Consequences of defaunation for a tropical tree community. Ecology Letters 16: 687–694.
名波哲 (2013) 御蓋山ナギ林の更新動態-春日山原始林とナギ林の共生を考える. 前迫ゆり編「世界遺産 春日山原始林-照葉樹林とシカをめぐる生態と文化-」
pp138-149, ナカニシヤ出版.
山倉拓夫 (2013) 春日照葉樹林の行く末を危惧する. 前迫ゆり編「世界遺産 春日山原始林-照葉樹林とシカをめぐる生態と文化-」 pp173-186,
Itoh A, Nanami S, Harata T, Ohkubo T, Tan S, Chong L, Davies SJ and Yamakura
T. (2012) The effect of habitat association and edaphic conditions on tree
mortality during El Nino-induced drought in a Bornean dipterocarp forest.
Biotropica 44: 606-617.
Laurance WF, et al. (2012) Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical protected areas. Nature 489: 291–294.
Hirayama D, Fujii T., Nanami S, Itoh A and Yamakura T (2012) Two-year cycles
of synchronous acorn and leaf production in biennial-fruiting evergreen
oaks of subgenus Cyclobalanopsis (Quercus, Fagaceae). Ecological Research 27: 1059-1068. (*Ecology Research Award 2013)
Harata T, Nanami S, Yamakura T, Matsuyama S, Chong L, Diway MB, Tan S and
Itoh A (2012) Fine-scale spatial genetic structure of ten dipterocarp trees
in a Bornean rain forest. Biotropica 44: 586-594.
Kamiya K., Nanami S., Kenzo T., Yoneda R., Duway, B., Chong L., Azani M.A.,
Majid N.M., Lum S.K.Y., Wong K.M. and Harada K. (2012) Demographic history
of Shorea curtisii (Dipterocarpaceae) inferred from chloroplast DNA sequence variations.
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Ishihara MI, Suzuki SN, Nakamura M, Enoki T, Fujiwara A, Hiura F, Homma
K, Hoshino D, Hoshizaki K, Ida H, Ishida K, Itoh A, Kaneko T, Kubota K,
Kuraji K, Kuramoto S, Makita A, Masaki T, Namikawa K, Niiyama K, Noguchi
M, Nomiya H, Ohkubo T, Saito S, Sakai T, Sakimoto M, Sakio H, Shibano H,
Sugita H, Suzuki M, Takashima A, Tanaka N, Tashiro N, Tokuchi N, Yakushima
Forest Environment Conservation Center, Yoshida T and Yoshida Y. (2011)
Forest stand structure, composition, and dynamics in 34 sites over Japan.
Ecological Research (Data Paper) 26: 1007-1008.
伊東明 (2011) 第6章:森林の水平構造. 正木隆・相場慎一郎編「森林生態学」(シリーズ現代の生態学 8) pp93-110, 共立出版.
名波哲 (2011) 第10章:樹木の個体群動態. 正木隆・相場慎一郎編「森林生態学」(シリーズ現代の生態学 8) pp154-172, 共立出版.
Itoh A, Ohkubo T, Nanami S, Tan S and Yamakura T (2010) Comparison of statistical
tests for habitat associations in tropical forests: a case study of sympatric
dipterocarp trees in a Bornean forest. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 323-332.
Zuidema PA, Yamada T, During HJ, Itoh A, Yamakura T, Ohkubo T, Kanzaki
M, Tan S and Ashton PS (2010) Recruitment subsidies support tree subpopulations
in non-preferred tropical forest habitats. Journal of Ecology 98: 636-644.
Tobita H., Hasegawa S., Tian X., Nanami S. and Takeda H. (2010) Spatial
distribution and biomass of root nodules in a naturally regenerated stand
of Alnus hirsuta (Turcz.) var. sibirica. Symbiosis 50: 77-86.
Nanami S., Kawaguchi H. and Yamakura T. (2010) Seasonal patterns of stem
diameter growth in woody species with different life forms and geographical
distributions. Applied Forest Science 19: 27-34.
Nanami S., Kawaguchi H. and Yamakura T. (2010) Spatial pattern formation
and relative importance of intra- and interspecific competition in codominant
tree species, Podocarpus nagi and Neolitsea aciculata. Ecological Research 26:37-46.
Matsuyama S. and Sakimoto M. (2010) Sexual dimorphism of reproductive allocation
at shoot and tree levels in Zanthoxylum ailanthoides, a pioneer dioecious
tree. Canadian Journal of Botany 88: 867-874.
石原正恵・石田健・井田秀行・伊東明・榎木勉・大久保達弘・金子隆之・金子信博・倉本惠生・酒井武・齋藤哲・崎尾均・ 嵜元道徳・芝野博文・杉田久志・鈴木三男・高木正博・高嶋敦史・武生雅明・田代直明・田中信行・徳地直子・並川寛司・
新山馨・西村尚之・野口麻穂子・野宮治人・日浦勉・藤原章雄・星野大介・本間航介・蒔田明史・正木隆・吉岡崇仁・吉田俊也 (2010)モニタリングサイト1000
森林・草原調査コアサイト・準コアサイトの毎木調査データの概要. 日本生態学会誌 60: 111–123.
Yamakura T, Satoh H, Kanzki M, Itoh A, Nanami S, Hirayama D, Yoneda T, Hozumi K and Kira T (2009) Hidden implications of dendrographic records of tropical trees observed by Dr. Kyoji Yoda. Tropics18: 127-141.
Sungpalee W, Itoh A, Kanzaki M, Sri-ngernyuang K, Noguchi H, Mizuno
T, Teejuntuk S, Hara M, Chai-udom K, Ohkubo T, Sahunalu P, Dhanmmanonda
P, Nanami S, Yamakura T and Sorn-ngai A (2009) Intra- and interspecific
variation in wood density and fine-scale spatial distribution of stand-level
wood density in a northern Thai tropical montane forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 25: 359-370.
伊東明・大久保達弘・山倉拓夫 (2009) 大面積調査区で見るボルネオ熱帯雨林. 中静透編「熱帯林研究ノート ピーター・アシュトンと語る熱帯林研究の未来」pp29–48,
市栄智明・市岡孝朗・伊東明 (2009) 野外研究サイトから(12)ランビル・ヒルズ国立公園.日本生態学会誌 59: 227-232.
Hirayama D, Nanami S, Itoh A and Yamakura T (2008) Individual resource
allocation to vegetative growth and reproduction in subgenus Cyclobalanopsis (Quercus, Fagaceae) trees. Ecological Research 23: 451-458.
Chave, J., Condit, R., Muller-Landau, H.C., Thomas, S.C., Ashton, P.S.
Bunyavejchewin, S., Co, L.L., Dattaraja, H.S., Davies, S.J., Esufali, S.,
Ewango, C.E.N., Feeley, K.J., Foster, R.B., Gunatilleke, N., Gunatilleke,
S., Hall, P., Hart1, T.B., Herna´ndez, C., Hubbell, S.P., Itoh, A., Kiratiprayoon,
S., LaFrankie, J.V., Loo de Lao, S., Makana, J-R., Supardi, N., Abdul Rahman,
K., Samper, C., Sukumar, S., Suresh, H.S., Tan, S., Thompson, J., Tongco,
M.D.C., Valencia, V., Vallejo, M., Villa, G., Yamakura, T., Zimmerman,
J.K. and Losos, E.C. (2008) Assessing evidence for a pervasive alteration
in tropical tree communities. PLoS Biol 6(3): e45. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060045
塩見修平・名波 哲・平山大輔・伊東 明・山倉拓夫(2008)御蓋山のナギに起きた種子生産リズムの崩壊.社叢学研究 6: 70–77.
Nanami S, Ikeda S, Tani N, Tan S, Diway B, Harada K, Tsumura Y, Itoh A
and Yamakura T (2007) Development of microsatellite markers for Dryobalanops aromatica (Dipterocarpaceae), a tropical emergent tree in Southeast Asia. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 623-625.
Noguchi H, Itoh A, Mizuno T, Sri-ngernyuang K, Kanzaki M, Teejuntuk S,
Sungpalee W, Hara M, Ohkubo T, Sahunalu P, Dhanmmanonda P and Yamakura
T (2007) Habitat divergence in sympatric Fagaceae tree species of a tropical
montane forest in northern Thailand. Journal of Tropical Ecology 23: 549-558.
Sri-ngernyuang K, Kanzaki M and Itoh A (2007) Seed production and dispersal
of four Lauraceae species in a tropical lower montane forest, Northern
Thailand. Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology 1: 73-87.
Ohkubo T, Tani M, Akojima I, Takahashi S, Yamakura T, Itoh A, Kanzaki M,
Lee HS, Ashton PS and Ogino K (2007) Spatial and topographic patterns of
canopy gap formation in a mixed dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. Tropics 16: 151-163.
Ohkubo T, Tani M, Akojima I, Takahashi S, Yamakura T, Itoh A, Kanzaki M,
Lee HS, Ashton PS, and Ogino K (2007) Spatial patterns of landslide due
to heavy rains in a Mixed Dipterocarp Forest, north-western Borneo. Tropics 16: 59-70.
Yamada T, Zuidema PA, Itoh A, Yamakura T, Ohkubo T, Kanzaki M, Tan S, and
Ashton P (2007) Strong habitat preference of a tropical rain forest tree
does not imply large differences in population dynamics across habitats.
Journal of Ecology95: 332-342.]
赤阪俊介・伊東 明・名波 哲・平山大輔・山倉拓夫 (2007) 近畿の雑種タンポポの発芽に及ぼす温度の影響. KONC (関西自然保護機構会誌) 29(2) 103–112.
伊東明(2007)ピーター・アシュトン教授の日本国際賞受賞.日本熱帯生態学会ニューズレター 67: 15–16.
Condit R, Ashton P, Bunyavejchewin S, Dattaraja HS, Davies S, Esufali S, Ewango C, Foster R, Gunatilleke IAUN, Gunatilleke CVS, Hall P, Harms KE, Hart T, Hernandez C, Hubbell S, Itoh A, Kiratiprayoon S, LaFrankie J, Loo de Lao S, Makana J-R, Supardi N, Kassim AR, Russo Sukumar R, Samper C, Suresh HS, Tan S, Thomas S, Valencia R, Vallejo M, Villa G, and Zillio T (2006) The importance of demographic niches to tree diversity. Science 313: 98-101.
Muller-Landau HC, Condit RS, Chave J, Thomas SC, Bohlman SA, Bunyavejchewin
S, Davies S, Foster R, Gunatilleke S, Gunatilleke N, Harms KE, Hart T,
Hubbell SP, Itoh A, Kassim AR, LaFrankie JV, Lee HS, Losos E, Makana J-R,
Ohkubo T, Sukumar R, Sun I-F, Nur Supardi NMN, Tan S, Thompson J, Valencia
R, Gorky Villa Mu?oz GV, Wills C, Yamakura T, Chuyong G, Dattaraja HS,
Esufali S, Hall P, Hernandez C, Kenfack D, Suresh KHB, Thomas D, Vallejo
MI and Ashton P (2006) Comparing tropical forest tree size distributions
with the predictions of metabolic ecology and equilibrium models. Ecology Letters 9: 589-602.
Muller-Landau HC, Condit RS, Chave J, Thomas SC, Bohlman SA, Bunyavejchewin
S, Davies S, Foster R, Gunatilleke S, Gunatilleke N, Harms KE, Hart T,
Hubbell SP, Itoh A, Kassim AR, LaFrankie JV, Lee HS, Losos E, Makana J-R,
Ohkubo T, Sukumar R, Sun I-F, Nur Supardi NMN, Tan S, Thompson J, Valencia
R, Gorky Villa Mu?oz GV, Wills C, Yamakura T, Chuyong G, Dattaraja HS,
Esufali S, Hall P, Hernandez C, Kenfack D, Suresh KHB, Thomas D, Vallejo
MI and Ashton P (2006) Testing metabolic ecology theory for allometric
scaling of tree size, growth, and mortality in tropical forests. Ecology Letters 9: 575-588.
Wills, C, Harms, KE, Condit, C, King, D, Thompson, J, He, F, Ashton, P, Losos, E, Comita, L,
Hubbell, H, LaFrankie, J, Bunyavejchewin, S, Dattaraja, HS, Davies, S, Esufali, S, Foster, R,
Gunatilleke, IAUN, Gunatilleke, CVS, Hall, P, Itoh, A, John, R, Kiratiprayoon, S, Loo de Lao, S,
Massa, M, Muller-Landau, H , Nath, C, Supardi, NMN, Kassim, AR, Sukumar, R, Suresh, HS, Sun, IF,
Tan, S, Yamakura, T and Zimmerman, J (2006) Non-random processes maintain diversity in tropical forests. Science 311: 527-531.
伊東明・名波哲 (2006) 近畿における在来,外来,雑種タンポポの分布状況. KONC (関西自然保護機構会誌) 28: 27–36. (関西自然保護機構論文賞「四手井賞」受賞論文)
伊東明・大久保達弘・山倉拓夫 (2006) 地形から見た熱帯雨林の多様性. 種生物学会編「森林の生態学 長期大規模研究から見えるもの」 pp219–241,
伊東明 (2006) 熱帯雨林の多様性を説明する仮説. 種生物学会編「森林の生態学 長期大規模研究から見えるもの」 pp242–243,
伊東明・名波哲 (2006) 近畿における雑種タンポポの分布状況. In タンポポ調査・近畿2005調査報告書(タンポポ調査・近畿2005実行委員会 編)pp. 52–59.
Condit, R, Ashton, P, Balsev, H, Brokaw, N, Bunyavejchewin, S, Chuyoung,
G, Co, L, Dat-Taraja, HS, Davies, S, Esufali, S, Ewango, CEN, Foster, R,
Gunatilleke, N, Gunatilleke, S, Herandez, C, Hubbell, S, John, R, Kenfack,
D, Kiratiprayoon, S, Hall, P, Hart, T, Itoh, A, LaFrankie, J, Liengola,
I, Lagunzad, D, Lao, S, Losos, E, Magard, E, Mmakana, J, Manokaran, N,
Navarrete, H, Mohammednur, S, Ohkubo, T, Parez, R, Samper, C, Lee, SH,
Sukumar, R, Svenning, JC, Tan, S, Thomas, D, Thompson, J, Vallejo, M, Vivvamua'oz,
G, Valencia, R, Yamakura, T and Zimmerman, JK (2005) Tropical tree -diversity:
Results from a worldwide network of large plots. Biolgiske Skrifter 56: 565-582.
Konishi T, Harada K, Chong L, Chai E. Kendawang JJ, Lee HS, Yamakura T,
Itoh A, Sakurai K and Ogino K (2004) Comparative study of AFLP and microsatellite
variation in Dipterocarp species from natural and artificial populations
in Sarawak, Malaysia. Tropics 14: 75-86.
Hirayama D, Itoh A and Yamakura T (2004) Implications from seed traps for
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