Ⅰ. 学術論文等
Wuyun T., Ma T., Uematsu C., Katayama H. (2012)
A phylogenetic network of wild Ussurian pears (Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim.) in China revealed by hypervariable regions of chloroplast DNA.
Tree Genetics and Genomes (accepted).

Iketani H., Katayama H., Uematsu C., Mase N., Sato Y., Yamamoto T. (2012)
Genetic structure of East Asian cultivated pears (Pyrus spp.) and their reclassification in accordance with the nomenclature of cultivated plants.
Plant Systematics and Evolution (accepted).

Uematsu C., Uozumi K., Makino I., Arakawa O., Katayama H., Martin C. (2012)
Flower colour variegation in single petal flowering peach.
Acta Horticulturae 929, 287-292.

Katayama H., Tachibana M., Iketani H., Zhang SL., Uematsu C. (2012)
Phylogenetic utility of structural alterations found in the chloroplast genome of pear: hypervariable regions in a highly conserved genome.
Tree Genetics and Genomes 8, 313-326.

Matsumura, Y., Kakehi, S., Masaki, K., Miyake, M., Katayama, H., Uematsu, C. (2011)
Pear (Pyrus ssp.) genetic resources from Northern Japan:Evaluation of threatened landraces for morphological and agronomical traits.
Acta Horticulturae 918, 971-982.

Iketani H., Yamamoto T., Katayama H., Uematsu C., Mase N., Sato Y. (2010)
Introgression between native and prehistorically naturalized (archaeophytic) wild pear (Pyrus spp.) populations in Northern Tohoku, Northeast Japan.
Conservation Genetics 11, 115-126.

Katayama H., Adachi S., Yamamoto T., Uematsu C. (2007)
A wide range of genetic diversity in pear (Pyrus ussuriensis var. aromatica) genetic resources from Iwate, Japan revealed by SSR and chloroplast DNA markers.
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54, 1573-1585.

Katayama H., and Uematsu C. (2006)
Pear (Pyrus species) genetic resources in Iwate, Japan.
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 53, 483-498.

Katayama H., and Uematsu C. (2005)
Structural analysis of chloroplast DNA in Prunus (Rosaceae): evolution, genetic diversity and unequal mutations.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 111, 1430-1439.

遺伝 58, 55-62.

Katayama H., and Uematsu C. (2003)
Comparative analysis of chloroplast DNA in Pyrus species: physical map and gene localization.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 106, 303-310.

Katayama H., and Uematsu C. (2002)
Phylogenetic analysis of Pyrus species: The chloroplast DNA structure of Pyrus ussuriensis var. hondoensis.
Acta Horticulturae 587, 259-268.

Uematsu C, Tsujimoto M., Sugimoto M.(1999)
In vitro propagation of Eugenia uniflora L.
Plant Biotechnology 16(2), 159-162.

植物分類・地理 49(2),171-192.

Iino I., Tarui Y., Uematsu C. (1996)
Gravitropism of maize and rice coleoptiles:dependence on the stimulation angle.
Plant Cell Environ. 119, 1160-1168.

Uematsu C., Murase M., Ichikawa H., Imamura J. (1991)
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and regeneration of kiwi fruit.
Plant Cell Reports 10, 286-290.

Uematsu C., Sasakuma T., Ogihara Y. (1991)
Phylogenetic relationships in the stone fruit group of Prunus as revealed by restriction fragment analysis of chloroplast DNA.
Japanese Journal of Genetics 66, 59-69.

Uematsu C., Akihama T., Chie Inokuma (1987): Propagation of almond by shoot tip culture.
Japanese Journal of Breeding 37:464-468.

Uematsu C., and Akihama T. (1987)
Effect of 4PU on the dormant shoot tip culture of peach, nectarine, sweetcherry and plum.
Japanese Journal of Breeding 37, 283-290.


植松千代美 (2008) 「植物園」「遺伝子組換え食品」など14項目,『環境事典』,日本科学者会議編集,旬報社,東京.

植松千代美(2006)「遺伝子組換え作物の食品としての安全性,生態系への影響,なぜ今遺伝子組換え作物なのか」『つくろういのちと環境優先の社会 市民の環境安全白書 大阪発』西川榮一編集代表・監修, pp.26-28, 自治体研究社.

植松千代美(2006)『食環境科学入門 食の安全を環境問題の視点から 第9章 新たな食材は安全か』山口英昌編,pp. 219, 221-238,ミネルヴァ書房, 京都.

秋浜友也,植松千代美2004):『CMCテクニカルライブラリー163 植物のクローン増殖技術 第2章
各種植物のクローン増殖法 4.果樹』 田中隆荘監修, pp. 102-113, シーエムシー出版, 東京.

植松千代美(2003):「安全な食品,不安な食品」『シリーズ・暮らしの科学20 食環境問題Q&A』 加藤不二男・山口英昌編, pp. 176-185, 188-198, 200-203, ミネルヴァ書房, 京都.

Ⅲ. 国際会議等での発表
Y. Kominami, Y. Wada, M. Ataka, R. Sasaki, K. Yoshimura, M. Dannoura, M. Jomura, C. Uematsu
Diversity of carbon sequestration in managed and unmanaged broad leaved forest in japan.
Asia Flux Workshop 2011, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 9-11 Nov 2011.

R. Sasaki, M. Dannoura, C. Uematsu, Y. Kominami
Effects of tree species composition on soil respiration in deciduous and evergreen broad-leaved stands. Asia Flux Workshop 2011, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 9-11 Nov 2011.

Y. Wada, Y. Kominami, K. Yoshimura, M. Dannoura, C. Uematsu, T. Kira
Long term monitoring of living and dead plant biomass in 50 years old deciduous and evergreen forests. Asia Flux Workshop 2011, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 9-11 Nov 2011.

Eriko Oyama, Chiyomi Uematsu and Takaaki Oohara
Relationships between three flowering cherry cultivars bearing green flowers.
IBC2011 XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 23-30, July 2011.

Koji Taniguchi, Chiyomi Uematsu and Osamu Arakawa
Mechanism of flower colour variegation in Camellia bearing pigmented flowers and variegated ones within a single tree.
IBC2011 XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 23-30, July 2011.

Ataka M., Kominami Y., Jomura M., Uematsu C.
The effects of substrate characteristics and water content on leaf litter respiration.
Asia Flux Workshop 2010, Guangzhou, China 1-3 Dec 2010.

Y. Kominami, Y. Wada, M. Ataka, R. Sasaki, K. Yoshimura, M. Dannoura, M. Jomura, C.Uematsu
A new attempt to evaluate the interaction between vegetation and environmental factors on forest NEP using botanical garden forests.
Asia Flux Workshop 2010, Guangzhou, China, 1-3 Dec 2010.

Matsumura, Y., Kakehi, S., Masaki, K., Miyake, M., Uematsu, C., Katayama, H.
Pear (Pyrus ssp.) genetic resources from Northern Japan: Evaluation of threatened landraces for morphological and agronomical traits.
28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisboa, Portugal, 22-27, August 2010.

Chiyomi Uematsu, Kayoko Uozumi, Izumi Makino, Osamu Arakawa, Hironori Katayama, Cathie Martin
Flower colour variegation in single petal flowering peach.
28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisboa, Portugal, 22-27, August 2010.

Ataka, M., Kominami, Y., Jomura, M., Uematsu, C., Tani, M., Kosugi, Y.
Evaluation of CO2 flux from leaf litter: effect of fragmentation and spatial variation in early decomposition stage.
AsiaFlux Workshop 2009, pp.139, Japan, Oct 2009.

Chiyomi Uematsu, Miyuki Takashima, Hironori Katayama, Cathie Martin
PEACE, a MYB-related transcription factor, regulating pigmentation in flowering peach, can alter morphological characters of transgenic tobacco.
XVII International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, July 2005.

Chiyomi Uematsu,Hironori Katayama, Osamu Arakawa, Cathie Martin
A gene responsible for colour variegation in flowering peach.
Plant Biology, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2003.

Hironori Katayama, Chiyomi Uematsu
Phylogenetic analysis of Pyrus species: Construction of a physical map and structure analysis of Pyrus hondoensis chloroplast DNA.
The International Symposium on Asian Pears, Kurayoshi, Tottori, Japan, 2001.

Yutaka Tarui, Chiyomi Uematsu and Moritoshi Iino
Gravitropism of rice coleoptiles: Relation to the stimulation angle.
XVth International Botanical Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 1993.

Chiyomi Uematsu, Yutaka Tarui and Moritoshi Iino
Phototropism of rice coleoptiles: Fluence-response relationships.
XVth International Botanical Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 1993.

TEL 072-891-2681(植松) FAX 072-891-7199 e-mail uematsu@osaka-cu.ac.jp
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