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Li X., Masuda H., Koba K. and Zehng H. (2006) Nitrogen isotope study on nitrate-contaminated groundwater in the Sichuan Basin, China. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. (in press)

Farooqi A., Masuda H., and Firdous N. (2006) Toxic fluoride and arsenic contaminated groundwater in Lahore and Kasur districts, Punjab, Pakistan and possible contaminant. Environmental Pollution. (in press)

Li X.-D., Masuda H., Ono M., Kusakabe M., Yanagisawa F. and Zeng H.-A.(2006) Contribution of atmospheric pollutants into groundwater in the northern Sichuan Basin, China. Geochemical Journal, 40, 103-119.

Ito M., Gupta L. P., Masuda H. and Kawahata H. (2006) Thermal stability of amino acids in seafloor sediment in aqueous solution at high temperature. Organic Geochemistry, 37,177-188

Masuda H., Yamatani Y. and Okai M. (2005) Transformation of arsenic compounds in modern intertidal sediments of Iriomote Island, Japan. J. Geochemical Exploration, 87, 73-81.

Akai J., Izumi K., Fukuhara H., Masuda H., Nakano H., Yoshimura T., Ohfuji H., Anawar H. Md. and Akai K. (2004) Mineralogical and geomicrobiological investigations on groundwater arsenic enrichment in Bangladesh.  Applied Geochemistry, 19, 215-230.

Gamo T., Masuda H., Yamanaka T., Okamura K., Ishibashi J., Nakayama E., Obata H., Shitashima K., Nishio Y., Hasumoto H., Watanabe M., Mitsuzawa K., Seama N., Tsunogai U., Kouzuma F. and Sano Y. (2004) Discovery of a new hydrothermal venting site in the southernmost Mariana Arc: Al-rich hydrothermal plumes and white smoker activity associated with biogenic methane. Geochemical Journal, 38, 527-534.

Miyoshi N., Satoh H., Yamaguchi Y. and Masuda H. (2003) Synthetic Silica Glass for Trace Aluminium Determination in Quartz by Electron Microprobe. Geostandards Newsletter, 27, 1, 91-98

小宮洋行・中屋真司・益田晴恵・日下部実 (2003) 酸素および水素同位体比と水質から見た長野県松本盆地中・南部地域の広域地下水流動系.日本地下水学会誌,45,145-168.

伊藤浩子・益田晴恵・日下部実 (2003) 大阪北摂地域における地下水のヒ素含有量変動とその要因.日本地下水学会誌, 45, 3-18.

Ghandour I. M., Masuda H. and Maejima W. (2003) Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of Bajocian-Bathonian shales, G. Al-Maghara, North Sinai, Egypt: Climatic and environmental significance. Geochemical J. , 37, 87-108.

柳澤文孝・賈疏源・益田晴恵・赤田尚史・本山玲美・上田晃・川端明子 (2002) 峨眉山の降雨に含まれる硫酸イオンのイオウ同位体比(序報) J. Ecotechnology Research, 8, 37-40.

Chiba, H. , Masuda, H. , Lee, S.-Y. and Fujioka, K. (2001) Chemistry of hydrothermal fluids at the TAG active mound, MAR 25。N, in 1998. Geophysical Research Letters, 28 , 2919 -2922.

Masuda H., Peacor D. R. and Dong H. (2001) TEM study of conversion of smectite to illite in mudstones of the Nankai Trough: Contrast with coeval bentonites. Clays and Clay Minerals, 49,109-118.

柳澤文孝・賈疏源・益田晴恵・楊慧東・萬新南・中屋真司・北田奈緒子 (2000) 日本・中国・韓国で採取したエアロゾルの化学組成(序報).エコテクノロジー研究,6, 25-30. 

益田晴恵(2000) 地殻表層付近のヒ素の挙動と地下水汚染拡大機構.日本地下水学会誌.42, 215 ̄313.

益田晴恵(2000) これからの海洋化学.地球化学,34, 149-151.

益田晴恵・中屋真司・賈疏源・柳澤文孝・伊藤浩子・北田奈緒子・楊慧東・萬新南(2000) 名水を訪ねて(50) 中国四川省峨眉山の名水.日本地下水学会誌,42, 263-271.



伊藤浩子・益田晴恵 (2006) 自然由来のヒ素含有地下水の起源とその形成要因 −大阪北摂地域を例として−.地質と調査,109,25-29.

Yanagisawa F., Jia S.-Y., Masuda H., Yang H.-D., Wan X.-N., Nakaya S. and Kitada N. (2001) Contrast study on chemical composition of rain water collected in August and December of 1998 at Emei Mount area. J. Geological Hazards and Environmental Preservation, 12, 17-20. (Chinese with English abstract)

Yanagisawa F., Jia S.-Y., Masuda H., Yang H.-D., Wan X.-N., Nakaya S. and Kitada N. (2001) Study on a chemical characteristics of aerosol in Emeishan, Sichuan, China. J. Mineralogy Petrology, 21, 93-96. (Chinese with English abstract)

Yanagisawa F., Jia S.-Y., Masuda H., Yang H.-D., Wan X.-N., Nakaya S. and Kitada N. (2001) Chemical characteristics of the rainfall collected in Emeishan in June, 1998. Study on a chemical characteristics of aerosol in Emeishan, Sichuan, China. J. Mineralogy Petrology, 21, 94-99. (English with Chinese abstract)

満澤巨彦・益田晴恵・島伸和・長谷川裕一・宮本元行・冨樫尚孝・宗輝・山野辺仁(2000) 中部及び南部マリアナ熱水活動域「よこすか」深海曳航調査速報 (YK99-11-Leg2).JAMSTEC深海研究,17,73-87.