公表論文 (Latest Publications: 2000 -)
- 江﨑洋一(印刷中)カンブリア紀,刺胞動物,古生代古海洋.『古生物学の百科事典』.丸善.
- 江﨑洋一・千徳明日香(印刷中)サンゴ類.『古生物学の百科事典』.丸善.
- Adachi, N., Ezaki, Y., Liu, J., Watabe, M., Altanshagai, G., Enkhbaatar, B., and Dorjnamjaa, D. (2021) Earliest known Cambrian calcimicrobial reefs occur in the Gobi-Altai, western Mongolia: Intriguing geobiological products immediately after the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary. Global and Planetary Change, vol. 203. [Link]
- Chen, X., Yan, Z., Ezaki, Y., Adachi, N., Liu, J. (2021) Rare earth and yttrium elements (REY) patterns of mesostructures of Miaolingian (Cambrian) thrombolites at Jiulongshan, Shandong Province, China. Palaeoworld, vol. 30, p. 627-642. [Link]
- Tokuda, Y. and Ezaki, Y. (2020) Microskeletal structures suggest taxonomic distinction between subgenera of azooxanthellate scleractinian Flabellum. Paleontological Research, vol. 24, p. 261-275. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y., Adachi, N., Liu, J., and Yan, Z. (2020) Cryptic growth strategies of the Cambrian coral Cambroctoconus: flexible modes of budding and growth in immediate response to available space. Palaeontology, vol. 63, p. 661-674. [Link]
- Adachi, N., Ezaki, Y., Liu, J., Watabe, M., Sonoda, H., Altanshagai, G., Enkhbaatar, B., and Dorjnamjaa, D. (2019) Late Ediacaran Boxonia-bearing stromatolites from the Gobi-Altay, western Mongolia. Precambrian Research, vol. 334. [Link]
- Sentoku, A., Tokuda, Y., Ezaki, Y., and Webb, G. E. (2018) Modes of regeneration and adaptation to soft-bottom substrates of the free-living solitary scleractinian Deltocyathoides orientalis. Lethaia, vol. 51, p. 102-111. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y., Liu, J., Adachi, N., and Yan, Z. (2017) Microbialite development during the protracted inhibition of skeletal-dominated reefs in the Zhangxia Formation (Cambrian Series 3) in Shandong Province, North China. Palaios, vol. 32, p. 559-571. [Link]
- Adachi, N., Asada, Y., Ezaki, Y., and Liu, J. (2017) Stromatolites near the Permian-Triassic boundary in Chongyang, Hubei Province, South China: A geobiological window into palaeo-oceanic fluctuations following the end-Permian extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 475, p. 55-69. [Link]
- Tokuda, Y., Haraguchi, H., and Ezaki, Y. (2017) First real-time observation of transverse division in azooxanthellate scleractinian corals. Scientific Reports. [Link]
- Yan, Z., Liu, J., Ezaki, Y., Adachi, N., and Du, S. (2017) Stacking patterns and growth models of multiscopic structures within Cambrian Series 3 thrombolites at the Jiulongshan section, Shandong Province, northern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 474, p. 45-57. [Link]
- 江﨑洋一(2017)古生物学,バイオハーム,顕生累代,古生代,シルル紀,石炭紀,先カンブリア時代,デボン紀,ペルム紀.『地形の辞典 第2版』.朝倉書店.
- 千徳明日香・江﨑洋一(2016)キサンゴ科六射サンゴの群体形成における規則性と可塑性.化石,第100号,p. 21-27. [Link]
- Sentoku, A., Tokuda, Y., and Ezaki, Y. (2016) Burrowing hard corals occurring on the sea floor since 80 million years ago. Scientific Reports. [Link]
- 大野理恵・千徳明日香・江﨑洋一・升本眞二(2016)非造礁性群体六射サンゴの形態形成のモデリングと成長シミュレーション.情報地質, vol. 27, p. 3-12. [Link]
- 徳田悠希・江﨑洋一(2016)現生種と絶滅種の収斂進化―単体サンゴの固着器官の進化史―.タクサ 日本動物分類学会誌,第40号,p. 1-6. [Link]
- Sentoku, A., Ishibashi, M., Masumoto, S., Ohno, R., Tomiyama, T., Machiyama, H., Tadai, O., and Ezaki, Y. (2015) Regular budding modes in zooxanthellate dendrophylliid Turbinaria peltata (Order: Scleractinia) revealed by X-ray CT imaging and three dimensional reconstruction. Journal of Morphology. [Link]
- Ohno, R., Sentoku, A., Masumoto, S., and Ezaki, Y. (2015) Morphological variability in azooxanthellate scleractinian dendrophylliids governed by regular modes of asexual reproduction: A computer simulation approach. Paleontological Research, vol. 19, p. 195-203. [Link]
- Sentoku, A., Morisaki, H., Masumoto, S., Ohno, R., Tomiyama, T., and Ezaki, Y. (2015) Internal skeletal analysis of the colonial azooxanthellate scleractinian Dendrophyllia cribrosa using microfocus X-ray CT images: underlying basis for its rigid and highly adaptive colony structure. Journal of Structural Biology (Elsevier), vol. 189, p. 37-43. [Link]
- Adachi, N., Kotani, A., Ezaki, Y., and Liu, J. (2015) Cambrian Series 3 lithistid sponge–microbial reefs in Shandong Province, North China: Reef development after the disappearance of archaeocyaths. Lethaia, vol. 231, p. 331-346.[Link]
- 江﨑洋一(2014)監修・執筆『地球46億年の旅12号 生命史に刻まれた最初の大量絶滅』.朝日新聞出版. [Link]
- Adachi, N., Nakai, T., Ezaki, Y., and Liu, J. (2014) Late Early Cambrian archaeocyath reefs in Hubei Province, South China: modes of construction during their period of demise. Facies (Springer), vol. 60, p. 703-717. [Link]
- Adachi, N., Ezaki, Y., and Liu, J. (2014) The late early Cambrian microbial reefs immediately after the demise of archaeocyathan reefs, Hunan Province, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Elsevier), vol. 407, p. 45-55. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y. and Kato, M. (2014) Phylogenetic and palaeobiological implications of a new Carboniferous rugose coral with unusual trait combinations from the Akiyoshi Terrane of Japan. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, vol. 12, p. 481-492. [Link]
- Adachi, N., Liu, J., and Ezaki, Y. (2013) Early Ordovician reefs in South China at the Chenjiahe section, Hubei Province: Deciphering the early evolution of skeletal-dominated reefs. Facies (Springer), vol. 59, p. 451-466. [Link]
- 江﨑洋一(2013)アルケオシアトゥス,塊状生礁,ゴンドワナ大陸,四放サンゴ類,床板サンゴ類,層状生礁,ペルム紀『生物学辞典』.岩波書店.
- Sentoku, A. and Ezaki, Y. (2013) Intrinsic constraints on sympodial growth morphologies of azooxanthellate scleractinian coral Dendrophyllia. Plos One, vol. 8: e63790. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0063790. [Link]
- Tokuda, Y. and Ezaki, Y. (2013) Attachment structures in Rhizotrochus (Scleractinia): macro- to microscopic traits and their evolutionary significance. Lethaia, vol. 46, p. 232-244. DOI: 10.1111/let.12013. [Link]
- Adachi, N., Ezaki, Y., and Liu, J. (2012) The oldest bryozoan reefs: a unique Early Ordovician skeletal framework construction. Lethaia, vol. 45, p. 14-23. [Link]
- Adachi, N., Liu, J., and Ezaki, Y. (2012) Early Ordovician stromatoporoid Pulchrilamina spinosa from South China: geobiological significance and implications for the early development of skeletal-dominated reefs. Paleontological Research, vol. 16, p. 58-68. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y., Liu, J., and Adachi, N. (2012) Lower Triassic stromatolites in Luodian County, Guizhou Province, South China: Evidence for the protracted devastation of the marine environments. Geobiology, vol. 10, p. 48-59. [Link]
- Sentoku, A. and Ezaki, Y. (2012d) Regularity in budding mode and resultant growth morphology of the azooxanthellate colonial scleractinian Cyathelia axillaris: effective and adaptive ways of utilizing habitat resources. Paleontological Research, vol. 16, p. 252-259. [Link]
- Sentoku, A. and Ezaki, Y. (2012c) Regularity and polarity in budding of the azooxanthellate colonial scleractinian Dendrophyllia ehrenbergiana: Consequences of radio-bilateral symmetry of the scleractinian body plan. Lethaia, vol. 45, p. 586-593. [Link]
- Sentoku, A. and Ezaki, Y. (2012b) Regularity in budding mode and resultant growth morphology of the azooxanthellate colonial scleractinian Tubastraea coccinea. Coral reefs, vol. 31, p. 67-74. [Link]
- Sentoku, A. and Ezaki, Y. (2012a) Constraints on the formation of colonies of the extant azooxanthellate scleractinian coral Dendrophyllia arbuscula. Lethaia, vol. 45, p. 62-70. [Link]
- Sorauf, J. E., Ezaki, Y., Fedorowski, J., Jell, J. S., Kato, M., Morycowa, E., and Roniewicz, E. (2012) Mentors: the generation 1935-1985. Geologica Belgica, vol. 15, p. 204-208. [Link]
- Tokuda, Y. and Ezaki, Y. (2012) Asexual reproduction of Pliocene solitary scleractinian coral Truncatoflabellum: Morphological and biometric study. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 86, p. 268-272. [Link]
- 王 海峰・刘 建波・江崎洋一(2012)华南地区贵州罗甸大文剖面PTB前后海平面变化及其全球对比. 北京大学学报自然科学版, 4, p. 65-78. [Link]
- Adachi, N., Ezaki, Y., Liu, J. (2011) Early Ordovician shift in reef construction from microbial to metazoan reefs. Palaios, vol. 26, p. 106-114. [PDF]
- Adachi, N., Ezaki, Y., Liu, J., and Cao, J. (2011) Lower Ordovician stromatolites from the Anhui Province of South China: construction and geobiological significance. Lecture Note in Earth Science (Springer), vol. 131, p. 443-452. [Link]
- Liu, J., Zhan, R., Dai, X., Liao, H., Ezaki, Y., and Adachi, N. (2011) Demise of Early Ordovician oolites in South China: Evidence for Paleoceanographic changes before the GOBE. In: Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rábano, I., and García-Bellido, D. (eds.), Ordovician of the World. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 14. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid, p. 309-317. [PDF]
- Liu, J., Ezaki, Y., Adachi, N., and Zhan R. (2010) Evidence for decoupling of relative abundance and biodiversity of marine organisms in the initial stage of the GOBE: a preliminary study on shellbeds of the Lower Ordovician in South China. Journal of Earth Science, Special Issue, (Springer), vol. 21, p. 44-48. [PDF]
- 江﨑洋一(2010)古生代型動物群,ハリシテス,スリッパサンゴ,貴州サンゴ,ワーゲノフィルム,コニュラリア類,礁,バイオストローム,バイオハーム,旧赤色砂岩,微生物岩,海綿動物,ゴンドワナ超大陸,サンゴ,刺胞動物,ペルム紀,アーケオシアタス類.『古生物学辞典 第2版』.朝倉書店,
- 桑原希世子・佐野好弘・江﨑洋一・八尾 昭(2010)美濃帯ペルム系海洋性岩石の大規模岩体からの三畳系珪質岩の発見とその地質学的意義:岐阜県西部舟伏山岩体.地質学雑誌,第116巻,第3号,p. 159-173. [Link]
- Tokuda, Y., Ikeno, T., Goto, G. S., Numata, H., Ezaki, Y. (2010) Influence of different substrates on the evolution of morphology and life-history traits of azooxanthellate solitary corals (Scleractinia: Flabellidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 101, p. 184–192. [Link]
- Adachi, N., Ezaki, Y., Liu, J. B., and Cao. J. (2009) Early Ordovician reef construction in Anhui Province, South China: A geobiological transition from microbial- to metazoan-dominant reefs. Sedimentary Geology, vol. 220, p. 1-11. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y. (2009) Secular fluctuations in Palaeozoic and Mesozoic reef-forming organisms during greenhouse periods: geobiological interrelations and consequences. Paleontological Research, vol. 13, p. 23-38. [Link]
- Masuda, F. and Ezaki, Y. (2009) A great revolution of the Earth-surface environment: Linking the bio-invasion onto the land and the Ordovician radiation of marine organisms. Paleontological Research, vol. 13, p. 3-8. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y., Yao, A., and Liu, J. B. (2009) Preface: Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Geobiota during Greenhouse Intervals. Paleontological Research, vol. 13, p. 1. [Link]
- Liu, J. B., Jiang L, and Ezaki Y. (2009) Carbon and oxygen isotopic variations in the lowermost Triassic microbialitic succession in Guizhou, South China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13, Supplement 1): A777.
- 崔 莹・刘 建波・江崎洋一(2009)四川华蓥二叠—三叠系界线剖面稳定碳同位素变化特征及其生物地球化学循环成因. 北京大学学报自然科学版, 第45巻,第3期,p. 461-471. [Link]
- 曹 隽・刘 建波・江崎洋一・足立奈津子 (2009) 安徽东至早奥陶世红花园组生物礁:奥陶纪生物大辐射前的微生物礁.北京大学学报自然科学版, 第45巻,第2期,p. 279-288. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y., Liu, J. B., Nagano, T., and Adachi, N. (2008) Geobiological aspects of the earliest Triassic microbialites along the southern periphery of the tropical Yangtze Platform: Initiation and cessation of a microbial regime. Palaios, vol. 23, p. 356-369. [Link]
- Adachi, N. and Ezaki, Y. (2007) Microbial impacts on the genesis of Lower Devonian reefal limestones, Eastern Australia. Palaeoworld (Elsevier), vol. 16, p. 301-310. [PDF]
- Adachi, N. and Ezaki, Y. (2007) Microscopic microbialite textures and their components in a Lower Devonian lagoonal Facies of the Fukuji Formation, central Japan. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Schriftenreihe der Erdwissenschaftlichen Kommissionen, vol. 17, p. 215-229. [PDF]
- Adachi, N., Ezaki, Y., and Pickett, J. W. (2007) Interrelations between framework-building and encrusting skeletal organisms and microbes: more-refined growth history of Lower Devonian bindstones. Sedimentology, vol. 54, p. 89-105. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y., Mimura, A., Kato, M., Hirata, Y., Irie, S., Okimura, Y., and Umeda, R. (2007) Carboniferous Rugosa in the Hina Limestone, Akiyoshi Terrane, Southwest Japan: Fauna endemic to the Panthalassan Ocean. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Schriftenreihe der Erdwissenschaftlichen Kommissionen, vol. 17, p. 407-419.
- 刘 建波・江崎洋一・杨 守仁・王 海峰・足立奈津子 (2007) 贵州罗甸二叠纪末生物大灭绝事件后沉积的微生物岩的时代和沉积学特征.古地理学論集,第9巻,第5期,p. 473-486. [PDF]
- Adachi, N., Ezaki, Y., and J. W. Pickett (2006) Marked accumulation patterns characteristic of Lower Devonian stromatoporoid bindstone: Palaeoecological interactions between skeletal organisms and microbes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 231, p. 331-346. [Link]
- Sobhy, M. and Ezaki, Y. (2006) First record of Heterocorallia (Hexaphyllia Stuckenberg 1904) from the Lower Carboniferous (Visean) of west-central Sinai, Egypt. Senckenbergiana lethaea, vol. 86, p. 1-21. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y. and Yasuhara, Y. (2005) Regular mode of increase, and constrained but variable growth, in the Silurian rugose coral Stauria favosa. Lethaia, vol. 38, p. 297-303. [Link]
- 奥田 尚,江崎洋一,八尾 昭(2005)高知県三宝山地域の地質とトリアス紀六射サンゴ化石を含む石灰岩.地球科学,59巻,6号,p. 371-382.[Link]
- Sobhy, M. and Ezaki, Y. (2005) Lithostratigraphy and microFacies of the Lower Carboniferous (Visean) Um Bogma Formation in Gabal Nukhul, west-central Sinai, Egypt. Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University, vol. 48, p. 123-142.
- Yao, A., Kuwahara, K., Ezaki, Y., Liu, J. B., Hao, W. C., and Kuang, G. D. (2005) Permian and Triassic radiolarians from the western Guangxi area, China. Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University, vol. 48, p. 81-93.
- Ezaki, Y. and Yasuhara, Y. (2004) Regular and flexible modes of division and hystero-ontogenetic growth in the Silurian rugose coral Stauria favosa. Palaeontology, vol. 47, p. 1075-1091. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y., Liu, J. B., and Adachi, N. (2004) Comment/Reply. Earliest Triassic microbialite micro- to macrostructures in the Huaying area of Sichuan Province, South China: Implications for the nature of oceanic conditions after the end-Permian extinction. Palaios, vol. 19, p. 416-417. [Link]
- 江﨑洋一 (2004) サンゴ類の適応放散と進化史.鎮西清高・植村和彦 編.『古生物の科学‐5,動植物の適応放散と多様性の歴史』.朝倉書店,p. 161-167.
- Yao, A., Kuwahara, K., Ezaki, Y., Liu, J. B., and Hao, W. C. (2004) Permian radiolarians from the Qinfang Terrance, South China, and its geological significance. Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University, vol. 47, p. 71-83.
- Adachi, N., Ezaki, Y., and Liu, J. B. (2004) The fabrics and origins of peloids immediately after the end-Permian extinction, Guizhou Province, South China. Sedimentary Geology, vol. 164, p. 161-178. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y. (2004) Paleoecological and phylogenetic implications of asexual reproduction in the Permian scleractiniamorph Numidiaphyllum. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 78, p. 84-97. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y., Liu, J. B., and Adachi, N. (2003) Earliest Triassic Microbialite Micro- to Macrostructures in the Huaying Area of Sichuan Province, South China: Implications for the Nature of Oceanic Conditions after the End-Permian Extinction. Palaios, vol. 18, p. 388-402. [Link]
- 江崎洋一(2003)サンゴ礁の秘密.OMUPユニヴァ編集部 編.『地球学へのいざない』大阪公立大学共同出版会,p. 75-86.
- Kuwahara, K., Yao, A., Ezaki, Y., Liu, J. B., Hao, W. C., and Kuang, G. D. (2003) Occurrence of Late Permian radiolarians from the Chituao section, Laibin, Guangxi, China. Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University, vol. 46, p. 13-23.
- 柏木健司・山際延夫・八尾 昭・江崎洋一・酒折有美子・庄司康弘(2002)紀伊半島西部の黒瀬川帯周辺の鳥巣式石灰岩から産するジュラ紀新世刺胞および海綿動物化石とその地質学的意義.化石,72号,p. 5-16. [Link]
- Sugiyama, T. and Ezaki, Y. (2002) Mesozoic and Paleozoic Corals. In: Ikeya, N., Hirano, H., and Ogasawara, K. (eds.), The database of Japanese fossil type specimens described during the 20th Century (Part 2). Palaeontological Society of Japan, Special Papers no. 40, p. 184-229.
- Ezaki, Y., Mori, K., Sugiyama, T., and Sorauf, J. E. (eds.) (2001) Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera. Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum. Tohoku University Museum, Tohoku University, Sendai, 341 p.
- Orita, S. and Ezaki, Y. (2001) Ordovician rugose corals of Britain and their palaeobiogeographic significance. In: Ezaki, Y., Mori, K., Sugiyama, T., and Sorauf, J. E. (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera. Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum. Tohoku University Museum, Tohoku University, Sendai, p. 245-253.
- 八尾 昭,江崎洋一,桑原希世子,郝 维城,劉 建波(2001)南中国のデボン‐三畳系—P/T境界での大量絶滅の性格と日本列島の起源を求めて—.松岡 篤編.『古生物学トピックス No. 2,パンサラサ‐テチスの古海洋学 グローバル・フィールド・サイエンスへの招待』日本古生物学会,p. 45-52.
- Ezaki, Y. (2000) Palaeoecological and phylogenetic implications of a new scleractiniamorph genus from Permian sponge reefs, South China. Palaeontology, vol. 43, p. 199-217. [Link]
- Ezaki, Y. and Yao, A. (2000) Permian-Triassic successions in Japan: key to deciphering Permian/Triassic events. In: Yin, H. F., Dickins, J. M., Shi, G. R., and Tong, J. N. (eds.), Permo-Triassic Evolution of Tethys, Circum-Pacific and Marginal Gondwana. Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 127-139.
- Ezaki, Y. and Adachi, N. (2000) Calcimicrobes and microbialites from the Lower Devonian Fukuji Formation, Hida "Gaien" Terrane, Southwest Japan. The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol. 106, p. 901-904. [PDF]
- 中国(四川省,貴州省,広西壮族自治区,雲南省,湖北省,湖南省,安徽省,浙江省,江西省,福建省,江蘇省,山東省,陝西省,北京,天津,重慶),モンゴル,韓国,ロシア,オーストラリア,アメリカ,カナダ,英国,ドイツ,ベルギー,オーストリア,チェコ,スウェーデン,スペイン,イラン,エジプト,スピッツベルゲン
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