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Four Dimensional Topology

November 20 -- November 22, 2015
Room E408,Department of Mathematics,Osaka City University


== November 20 (Fri) ==

13:30--14:20 Akio Kawauchi (Osaka City University)
Splitting criteria for a definite 4-manifold with infinite cyclic fundamental group

14:40--15:30 Hokuto Konno (The University of Tokyo)
Bounds on genus and configurations of embedded surfaces in 4-manifolds

15:50--16:40 Shigeru Takamura (Kyoto University)
Degenerations, splittings, and quotient families of Riemann surfaces
Topics on propeller surfaces, quotient families of type D, fibrations of Riemann surfaces
associated with (semi)regular polyhedra)(joint work with Kenjiro Sasaki and Ryota Hirakawa)

17:00--17:50 Kentaro Saji (Kobe University)
Criteria for Morin singularities of fiber type and its applications

== November 21 (Sat) ==

09:30--10:20 Kouichi Yasui (Hiroshima University)
Corks, exotic 4-manifolds and knot concordance

10:40--11:30 Hironobu Naoe (Tohoku University)
Infinitely many corks with special shadow complexity one

13:30--14:20 Noriyuki Hamada (The University of Tokyo)
Finite covers of Lefschetz fibrations
(joint work with Kenta Hayano)

14:40--15:30 Naoyuki Monden (Osaka Electro-Communication University)
scl of Dehn twists and surface bundles
(joint work with Kazuya Yoshihara)

15:50--16:40 Kouki Sato (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Heegaard Floer correction terms of (+1)-surgeries of (2, q)-cablings

17:00--17:50 Motoo Tange (University of Tsukuba)
Double branched covers and rational homology balls

== November 22 (Sun) ==

09:30--10:20 Yuichi Yamada (The Univ. of Electro-Comm.)
Exceptional Dehn surgeries along the Mazur link and its generalization

10:40--11:30 Akiko Shima (Tokai University)
CS-minimal charts with exactly six white vertices
(joint work with Teruo Nagase)

11:50--12:20 Takao Matumoto (Kyoto University)
Smooth unknotting conjecture in dimension four

Organizers:Seiichi Kamada, Kouichi Yasui and Takao Matumoto
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Last Modified on October 15, 2015.
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