Osaka City University


The workshop gProgress of String Theory and Quantum Field Theoryh will take place from Friday December 7 until Monday December 10, 2007, and is hosted by the Advanced Mathematical Institute and Physics Department at Osaka City University . It is supported by the 21st century COE-program of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

LOC members
H. Itoyama (Osaka City University)
H. Kihara (Osaka City University)
T. Oota (Osaka City University)
M. Sakaguchi (Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics)
T. Takayanagi (Kyoto University)
Y. Yasui (Osaka City University)

This conference has been executed with a grant from the Commemorative Organization for the Japan World Exposition('70) (Japanese) (English) Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute