
大阪市立大学数学研究所-慶北国立大学共催 微分幾何学と関連分野 ワークショップ


開催日 平成20年10月30日(木)−11月3日(月)
場所 大阪市立大学 大学院理学研究科内 

組織者 内藤博夫(山口大学)、田丸博士(広島大学)、小池直之(東京理科大学)、
酒井高司(阪市大数学研究所)、徐泳鎮(Young Jin Suh, 慶北大学)

主催大阪市立大学 数学研究所.
Research Group on Real & Complex Grassmann Manifolds
Math. Computation Divisin of The Post BK21.

外国人招聘研究者Professor Juergen Berndt(University College Cork, Ireland)
Professor Andreas Kollross (University of Augsburg, Germany)

Juergen Berndt 教授 連続講義 Title: Submanifolds in Symmetric Spaces  (対称空間の部分多様体) PDF ファイル
Abstract: A symmetric space is a Riemannian manifold whose curvature tensor is invariant under parallel translation. The theory of symmetric spaces has been initiated and developed to a large extent by Elie Cartan. It is closely related to the algebraic theory of semisimple Lie algebras. In the lectures I will present some recent developments on submanifolds in symmetric spaces. Topics include: submanifolds with constant principal curvatures, homogeneous submanifolds, hyperpolar foliations, cohomogeneity one actions, normal holonomy, and branched fibrations from projective planes onto spheres.

Juergen Berndt (University College Cork) : PDF ファイル
"Singular fibrations from projective planes and Severi varieties onto spheres" (50分)
Abstract: There is an elementary but very striking result which asserts that the quotient of the complex projective plane by complex conjugation is the 4-dimensional sphere. A few years ago Arnold and independently Atiyah and Witten proved that the quotient of the quaternionic projective plane by a certain circle action is a 7-dimensional sphere. In the first part of our work we extend the above two results to the Cayley projective plane and provide a unifying proof for all three projective planes. Each projective plane over a normed real division algebra has a naturalcomplexification, which is known as a Severi variety. In the second part of our work we extend the above results to the Severi varieties. This is joint with with Sir Michael Atiyah (Edinburgh).
Andreas Kollross (University of Augsburg) :
"On a class of generalized symmetric spaces" (50分)
Abstract: The classical notion of symmetric spaces may be generalized by replacing the group Z/2Z with an arbitrary finite group. In this talk, I will speak about the case where this group is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z. Recently, Yuri Bahturin and Michel Goze have given a classification of the Z/2Z x Z/2Z-symmetric spaces G/K where G is a simple classical Lie group. I will present a classification for the case of exceptional groups, complementing the results of Bahturin and Goze. The results are equivalent to a classification of Z/2Z x Z/2Z-gradings on simple Lie algebras. In submanifold geometry, Z/2Z x Z/2Z-symmetric spaces correspond to totally geodesic orbits of Hermann actions.
Andreas Kollross (University of Augsburg) : PPTファイル
"Lie group actions on symmetric spaces" (90分)
In this lecture, I will consider isometric Lie group actions on compact Riemannian symmetric spaces. In particular, I am interested in classification problems where one seeks to find all isometric actions on a symmetric space such that the principal orbits fulfill a certain geometric condition. If this condition implies that the group acting is large in a certain sense, we may use a straightforward classification strategy as follows. Starting with the maximal subgroups of the isometry group, we recursively descend to smaller groups until we arrive at groups which are too small to fulfill the condition. To illustrate this method, I will present results e.g. on polar and low cohomogeneity actions on compact symmetric spaces.
小池 直之(理科大理) : PDF ファイル
"Homogeneity theorem for a proper complex equifocal submanifold" (50分)
Abstract : In this talk, I first explain the notion of a complex focal radius of a submanifold in a symmetric space of non-compact type and, in the case where the submanifold is real analytic, the complex focal radii are the quantities indicating the positions of the focal points of the complexified submanifold. Next I explain the notion of a proper complex equifocal submanifold. Also I explain the notion of an infinite dimensional proper anti-Kaehlerian isoparametric submanifold and complex curvature distributions, complex principal curvatures and complex curvature normals of the submanifold. Next I introduce the homogeneity theorem for an infinite dimensional isoparametric submanifold by Heintze-Liu and the homogeneity theorem for an equifocal submanifold in a symmetric space of compact type by U. Christ. Next I state the homogeneity theorem for a proper complex equifocal submanifold and its proof. Finally I state the following future plan: "I plan to obtain a submanifold geometrical characterization of a principal orbit of a Hermann type action in terms of this homogeneity theorem".
Imsoon Jeong (NIMS), Young Jin Suh and Hyunjin Lee (KNU) : PDFファイル
"Real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians with anti-commuting shape operator" (30分)
Abstract: In this talk we give a non-existence theorem for real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians $G_2({\Bbb C}^{m+2})$ with anti-commuting shape operator.
Imsoon Jeong (NIMS), Hee Jin Kim and Young Jin Suh (KNU) : PDFファイル
"Real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians with parallel normal Jacobi operator" (30分)
Abstract: In this talk we give a non-existence theorem for Hopf real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians $G_2({\Bbb C}^{m+2})$ with parallel normal Jacobi operator ${\bar R}_N$.
Hae Young Yang, Hyung Jun Jin and Young Jin Suh (KNU) : PDF ファイル
"Real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians with ${\frak D}^{\bot}$-parallel Lie derivative" (30分)
Abstract: In this talk we give some non-existence properties of real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians $G_2({\Bbb C}^{m+2})$ in terms of {\it ${\frak D}^{\bot}$-parallel Lie derivatives} for the structure tensor ${\phi}_i$, $i=1,2,3$, the shape operator $A$, and the induced Riemannian metric tensor $g$ along the distribution ${\frak D}^{\bot} = \text{Span}\{{\xi}_1,{\xi}_2,{\xi}_3\}$.
昆 万佑子(北大&阪市大数学研) : PDFファイル
"On a Hopf hypersurface of a complex space form" (30分)
Abstract: A Hopf hypersurface is defined to be a real hypersurface of a complex space form whose structure vector field is a principal curvature vector field. We study some conditions on the holomorphic distribution on real hypersurfaces which contain the definition of a Hopf hypersurface. On the other hand, we study real hypersurfaces whose structure vector field is an eigenvector field of the Ricci operator.
入江 博(東京電機大) : DVIファイル
"On global tightness of real forms in Hermitian symmetric spaces" (30分)
Abstract: We give an idea for proving global tightness of real forms in Hermitian symmetric spaces. Our method is to combine Lagrangian intersection theory and integral geometry. In this short talk, we show that it works successfully for totally geodesic Lagrangian sphere in $S^2 \times S^2 \cong Q_2({\mathbb C})$. This is a joint work with Takashi Sakai.
本多 恭子(お茶の水女子大):
"Conformally flat homogeneous Lorentzian manifolds" (30分)
Abstract: We would like to classify conformally flat homogeneous semi-Riemannian manifolds. Conformally flat homogeneous Riemannian manifolds were classified by Hitoshi Takagi. They are all symmetric spaces. On the other hand, three-dimensional conformally flat homogeneous Lorentzian manifolds were classified by Honda and Tsukada and the examples which are not symmetric spaces were found. In this talk, we report the results on the classification of higher dimensional conformally flat homogeneous Lorentzian manifolds.
北川 友美子(阪市大数学研) : PDFファイル
"Geodesics on Sub-Riemannian manifolds" (30 minutes)
Abstract: A Sub-Riemannian manifold (M,D,g) is a differential manifold M endowed with a subbundle D of the tangent bundle TM and a Riemannian metric g on D. In this talk we will treat the problem of length-minimizing paths in Sub-Riemannian geomerty.
渋谷 一博(北海道大, D3) : PDFファイル
"A set of integral elements of higher order jet spaces" (30 minutes)
Abstruct: I consider the prolongation of jet spaces(multi independent variables). Generally, it is not a manifold. But the prolongation of J^2(2,1) is a manifold(in some sense, this is an only case), and a generalization of so called "Monster Goursat Manifold"(one independent variable). In this talk, I will introduce singularities of the prolongation of J^2(2,1) as a sense of differential systems.
藤井 忍(広島大, D3):
"Homogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces with four distinct principal curvatures and moment maps" (30分)
Abstract: The isotropy representations of Hermitian symmetric spaces are Hamiltonian actions. In this talk, we consider the case of rank two, and we explain that (weighted) square norms of their moment maps are isoparametric functions, which define homogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces with four distinct principal curvatures in spheres. We expect that isoparametric hypersurfaces with four distinct principal curvatures in spheres are related to moment maps of group actions.
加藤 宏尚(広島大, D1) : PDFファイル
"Left invariant flat projective structures on low dimensional Lie groups" (30分)
Abstract: A left invariant flat projective structure is a geometric structure, which is derived through abstracting the properties about shapes of geodesics from flat affine structures. We study the existence or non-existence of left invariant flat projective structures on Lie groups. As a result we obtain any Lie group of dimension < 6 admits a left invariant flat projective structure. We also classify Lie groups of dimension <6 admitting left invariant flat affine structures.
木村 太郎(阪市大数学研) : PDFファイル
"Stability of certain reflective orbits of cohomogeneity one actions on compact Riemannian symmetric spaces" (30分)
Abstract: We know every totally geodesic singular orbit of cohomogeneity one actions on simply connected irreducible Riemannian symmetric spaces of compact type by virtue of Berndt-Tamaru's results. In this talk, we consider their stability as minimal submanifolds. We determine the stability of certain reflective orbits of cohomogeneity one actions on compact Riemannian symmetric spaces.
馬場 蔵人(理科大理, D3) : PDFファイル
"Austere submanifolds and s-representations of semisimple pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces" (30分)
Abstract: The notion of an austere submanifold was introduced by Harvey and Lawson. In this talk, we introduce the notion of an austere submanifold in a pseudo-Riemannian manifold, which is a pseudo-Riemannian submanifold where for each normal vector, the spectrum of the complexification of its shape operator is invariant under the multiplication by -1. We investigate austere semisimple orbits of s-representations of semisimple pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces, and demonstrate how to classify such orbits. The method is based on the theory of restricted root systems for semisimple symmetric spaces.

形式 : (1)最初の1〜2日:参加研究者たちによる研究発表会(50分talksとshort talks)。 (2)その後の3〜4日:  午前、Juergen Berndt教授による連続講義(3回) 微分幾何学における等質空間に関する講義(主に大学院生向け)。  午後、微分幾何学特別セミナー(3時ごろから毎日1本のみ)。 (3)Excursion (大阪城など?)11月1日(土)午後 の予定。


10/30(木) AM 10:00-12:00 数学講究室 (3040室)  小池(50分), Imsoon Jeong, Young Jin Suh and Hyunjin Lee(30分), Imsoon Jeong, Hee Jin Kim and Young Jin Suh(30分)
PM 1:30-5:30 数学講究室 (3040室) Kollross(50分), Berndt(50分), Hae Young Yang, Hyung Jun Jin and Young Jin Suh(30分), 藤井(30分), 馬場(30分),
10/31(金) AM 10:00-12:30 数学講究室 (3040室) 本多(30分), 加藤(30分), 渋谷(30分), 北川(30分), 入江(30分)
PM Discussion
11/1(土) AM 10:00-10:30 数学講究室 (3040室) 昆 (30分)
AM 10:40-12:10 数学講究室 (3040室) Berndt 講義 (1)
PM Discussion
11/2(日) AM 10:00-10:30 数学講究室 (3040室) 木村(30分)
AM 10:40-12:10 数学講究室 (3040室) Berndt 講義 (2)
PM 14:40-16:10 数学講究室 (3040室) Kollross (90分)
11/3(月) AM 10:40-12:10 数学講究室 (3040室) Berndt 講義 (3)
PM Discussion

申込・宿泊等 : 会場確保の都合上、事前におおよその人数を把握したいと思いますので、 参加を希望する方は、 大仁田 、 酒井高司 まで、氏名、所属、職または身分、short talk の希望の有無、滞在期間、 KKC宿泊希望の有無、をお知らせ下されば幸いです。 阪市大近くの宿泊(関西研修センターKKC、シングル1泊6000円、研究滞在に最適) のご予約をお取りすることも可能です(空室がなくなった場合はご了承ください)。 (KKCは、阪市大以外の方が直接予約することはできませんのでご注意ください。)

備考 : 関連企画:"Mini-Workshop on Lie Groups and Related Fields",11月7日〜8日, Kyungpook Nat. Univ.(慶北国立大学、韓国).Juergen Berndtによる連続講義など. これら2つの企画は、韓国・慶北国立大学BK21と大阪市立大学数学研究所の 間の学術研究協力協定のもとでの活動の一環として行われます。両企画には、 韓国・慶北国立大学の微分幾何学グループに若手研究者・大学院生たちも参加します。

リンク等 大阪市立大学数学研究所
大阪市立大学 理学部 数学科
大阪市立大学数学研究所 微分幾何学ワークショップ(Oct. 2007)

(研究代表者 大仁田 義裕)

大仁田 義裕 : ohnita (at)
酒井 高司 : tsakai (at)

製作 のだ Last updated on 15/July/2008