On my return trip to Milan, I enjoyed the Cotoletta alla milanese (Milan-style cutlets)!
(2019/10/11 by Horikoshi)

I participated in a workshop held in Trento, Italy this year as well.(Link)
Trent is a city with a great atmosphere.
(2019/10/8 by Horikoshi)

Business trip to Gifu at the Physical Society of Japan.
Nagara River is famous for cormorant fishing.
(2019/9/10 by Horikoshi)

I tried raw oysters at a seafood restaurant in Milwaukee.
It was not as sweet as Japanese oysters, but it was delicious.
Is it like this when baryon and the meson collide?
(2019/6/1 by Horikoshi)

I went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA at DAMOP2019.
(2019/5/31 by Horikoshi)

Quantum simulation workshop at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
The weather was disappointing because it was the rainy season.
(2019/5/5 by Horikoshi)

I could see Mt. Fuji beautifully from an airplane heading to Hong Kong.
It looks like a bimodal distribution of thermal gas and Bose condensate.
The upper and lower clouds appear to be Stern-Gerlach spin component separation.
Am I too much affected by cold atom experiments?
(2019/5/5 by Horikoshi)

I organized a quantum simulation symposium at the Physical Society of Japan.
When you come to Hakata, you eat ramen.
(2019/3/16 by 堀越)

I enjoyed an Italian meal on my way back to Venice
(2018/6/23 by Horikoshi)

Topological ice cakes and tiramisu bought at a cake shop in the town of Trento.
Does the taste stabilize due to the topological effect?
(2018/6/22 by Horikoshi)

Trent, Italy, host of the Cold Atomic and Nuclear Physics Workshop.(Link)
It was a wonderful town!
(2018/6/18 by Horikoshi)

Mango ice cream in Venice on the way to Trent where the workshop is held.
(2018/6/17 by Horikoshi)