OCAMI Preprint Series 2011

11-1 Yukiko Fukukawa, Hiroaki Ishida, and Mikiya Masuda
The cohomology ring of the GKM graph of a flag manifold of classical type
April 7, 2011. (PDF(Revision, March 2013))
11-2 Yohei Komori and Yuriko Umemoto
The Banach-Tarski paradox for flag manifolds
April 12, 2011. (PDF)
11-3 M. Izuki and Y. Sawano
Variable Lebesgue norm estimates for BMO functions
May 9, 2011. (PDF)
11-4 Yohei Komori
Cook-hats and Crowns
August 31, 2011. (PDF)
11-5 Futoshi Takahashi
Some identities of Green's function for the polyharmonic operator with the Navier boundary conditions and its applications
September 8, 2011. (PDF)
11-6 Mitsuo Izuki and Yoshihiro Sawano
A criterion of sampling theorems on Banach function spaces
September 12, 2011. (PDF)
11-7 Futoshi Takahashi
Nonexistence of multi-bubble solutions for a higher order mean field equation on convex domains
September 14, 2011. (PDF)  
11-8 Jong Bum Lee and Mikiya Masuda
Topology of iterated $S^1$-bundles
September 26, 2011. (PDF)  
11-9 Yohei Komori
Projective Embeddings of the Teichmuller Spaces of Bordered Riemann Surfaces
October 23, 2011. (PDF)
11-10 Futoshi Takahashi
Blow up points and the Morse indices of solutions to the Liouville equation: inhomogeneous case
November 2, 2011. (PDF)  
11-11 Yohei Komori and Yasushi Yamashita
Linear Slices of the Quasifuchsian Space of Punctured Tori
November 8, 2011. (PDF)  
11-12 Shintaro Kuroki, Mikiya Masuda and Li Yu
Small cover, infra-solvmanifold and curvature
November 11, 2011. (PDF)  
11-13 Futoshi Takahashi
On the number of maximum points of least energy solutions to a two-dimensional H\'enon equation with large exponent
November 28, 2011. (PDF)  
11-14 Yoshihiro Ohnita
Certain Lagrangian Submanifolds in Hermitian Symmetric Spaces and Hamiltonian Stability Problems
November 28, 2011. (PDF)  
11-15 Mitsuo Izuki and Takahiro Noi
Boundedness of some integral operators and commutators on generalized Herz spaces with variable exponents
December 26, 2011. (PDF)
11-16 Yoshihiro Ohnita
Geometry of Lagrangian Submanifolds and Isoparametric Hypersurfaces (exposition and review), in Japanese
ラグランジュ部分多様体と等径超曲面の幾何学 (解説と展望), (和文)
January 17, 2012. (PDF)
11-17 Yohei Komori and Yuriko Umemoto
On the growth of hyperbolic 3-dimensional generalized simplex reflection groups
January 18, 2012. (PDF)
11-18 Atsushi Takeuchi
Greeks formulas for asset price model with some L´evy processes
January 31, 2012. (PDF)
11-19 Hideki Miyachi and Toshihiro Nogi
On extendibility of Bers isomorphism
February 13, 2012. (PDF)
11-20 Hiroaki Ishida and Mikiya Masuda
Todd genera of complex torus manifolds
March 15, 2012. (PDF)
11-21 Hiroaki Ishida and Yael Karshon
Completely integrable torus actions on complex manifolds with fixed points
March 15, 2012. (PDF)
11-22 Shintaro Kuroki and Dong Youp Suh
Classification of complex projective towers up to dimension 8 and cohomological rigidity
March 20, 2012. (PDF)
最終更新日: 2012年3月20日