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¡ Diversity of Tropical Rain Forest

Tropical forest is a super diverse ecosystem where many living organisms have been coexisting under complex relationship. The tropical rainforest is sometimes compared with a kind of "Noah's Ark" as it includes many endangered species. However, this "Ark" is now in serious danger.

We have been monitoring forest dynamics from the 1990s in a tropical rainforest of Malaysian Borneo (Lambir Hills National Park) in cooperation with an international team. Our goals are to understand the mechanisms that maintain the species/genetic diversity of the tropical forest and to elucidate how the current diversity has been created at the evolutionary time scale.

¡ Expansion of Hybrid Dandelion in Japan

Common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is an invasive plant spreading all over the world. The common dandelion was introduced to Japan ca. 100 years ago. Now, we can find hybrid dandelions between T. officinale and Japanse native diploid dandelions in many regions of Japan.

We are studying the origin and spreading process of hybrid dandelions in Japan. This study is in cooperation with a citizen science project "Tampopo Chosa Nishinihon (Dandelion Study in Western Japan) (Japanese only)" .

¡ Plant Sex
Comming soon!

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