Four Dimensional Topology
September 6 -- September 10, 2018
Osaka City University
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To Speakers

If you would like to give a talk at the conference,
  1. First, send the registration form by June 30, 2018 with "Yes" for "Would you like to give a talk?".
  2. Second, send the information on your presentation by email as the instruction below by July 15, 2018.
  3. In July, you will receive an acknowledgement if you are invited as a speaker.
On 2, send the title and abstract of your talk by email to Seiichi Kamada (skamada [AT] and Kouichi Yasui (kyasui [AT] by July 15. Please use the following format in the body of the email, whose subject should be "Title and abstract for 4DTop".

Name (Affiliation) of the speaker: e.g. John Smith (University of Illinois)
Email address:
Name (Affiliation) of the collaborators(*1):
Title of the talk:
Comments to organizers: (option)
*1: Please fill in if you have collaborators on the work and if you want their names to appear in the program. Alternatively, collaborator's names may be mentioned in the abstract.