Four Dimensional Topology
September 6 -- September 10, 2018
Osaka City University
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September 6 (Thu.)
    13:00 – 13:10   Opening Remark

    13:10 – 13:50   Scott Carter (University of South Alabama)
    The language of surfaces

    14:30 – 14:50   Dale Koenig (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
    3-manifolds in trisected 4-manifolds

    14:55 – 15:15   Yuichi Yamada (The University of Electro-Communications)
    Exceptional Dehn surgeries along certain two-component links related to 4-manifolds

    15:20 – 15:40   Tetsuya Abe (Ritsumeikan University)
    How to calculate the enhancement to the Milnor number for fibered links
    (joint work with Keiji Tagami (Tokyo University of Science))

    16:10 – 16:30   Tetsuya Ito (Kyoto University)
    Strongly quasipositive and quasipositive links and the defect of Bennequin's inequality
    (joint work with Keiko Kawamuro (Univ. Iowa) and Jesse Hamer(Univ. Iowa))

    16:35 – 16:55   Keiko Kawamuro (University of Iowa)
    The fractional Dehn twist coefficients and branched coverings
    (joint work with Tetsuya Ito (Kyoto University))

    17:00 – 17:20   Takahiro Oba (Kyoto University)
    Surfaces in $D^4$ with the same boundary and fundamental group

September 7 (Fri.)
    09:30 – 10:10   Osamu Saeki (Kyushu University)
    Simplifying broken Lefschetz fibrations and trisections of 4-manifolds
    (joint work with R. İnanç Baykur (University of Massachusetts))

    10:20 – 11:00   Selman Akbulut (Michigan State University)
    A simple family of infinitely many absolutely exotic manifolds

    13:00 – 13:20   Shin Satoh (Kobe University)
    The $n$-cable of a ribbon 2-knot

    13:25 – 13:45   Jieon Kim (Pusan National University)
    Biquasile colorings of oriented surface-links
    (joint work with Sam Nelson (Claremont McKenna College))

    13:50 – 14:10   Sang Youl Lee (Pusan National University)
    On invariants for surface-links via quandle cocycle invariants for classical links

    14:30 – 14:50   Ki-Heon Yun (Sungshin Women's University)
    On the minimal number of singular fibers in Lefschetz fibrations over the torus

    14:55 – 15:15   Hironobu Naoe (Tohoku University)
    Closed 4-manifolds with shadow-complexity one
    (joint work with Yuya Koda (Hiroshima University) and Bruno Martelli (The University of Pisa))

    15:20 – 15:40   Eylem Zeliha Yildiz (Michigan State University)
    Knot concordance in 3-manifolds

    16:10 – 16:30   Akiko Shima (Tokai University)
    The structure of a minimal $n$-chart with two crossings
    (joint work with Teruo Nagase (Tokai University))

    16:35 – 16:55   Sukuse Abe (Osaka City University)
    Relations between quandle shadow cocycle invariants and vassiliev invariants

    17:00 – 17:20   Mizuki Fukuda (Tohoku University)
    On the Gluck twist along branched twist spins

    18:00 – 20:00   Banquet

September 8 (Sat.)
    09:30 – 10:10   Riccardo Piergallini (Università di Camerino)
    Four-manifolds as branched covers

    10:20 – 10:40   Sudipta Kolay (Georgia Tech)
    Braided Embeddings

    It was cancelled due to a big typhoon.

    10:45 – 11:05 → 10:20 – 10:40   Ash Lightfoot (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
    Link homotopy in 4-space via chart descriptions

    Excursion or Free Discussion → Excursion was cancelled.

September 9 (Sun.)
    09:30 – 10:10   Mark Hughes (Brigham Young University)
    Braided surfaces with caps and positive branch points

    10:20 – 11:00   Seiichi Kamada (Osaka City University)
    On surfaces immersed in 4-space

    13:00 – 13:20   Hokuto Konno (The University of Tokyo)
    A family version of the Bauer-Furuta invariant and the complex of surfaces

    13:25 – 13:45   Kouichi Yasui (Osaka University)
    Geometrically simply connected 4-manifolds and stable cohomotopy Seiberg-Witten invariants

    13:50 – 14:10   Motoo Tange (University of Tsukuba)
    On ribbon disks in handle decompositions

    14:30 – 14:50   Kenjiro Sasaki (Kyoto University)
    Canonical representations and the universal families of Riemann surfaces

    14:55 – 15:15   Shigeru Takamura (Kyoto University)
    Quotient families and their applications

    15:20 – 15:40   Naoki Kitazawa (Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University)
    4-manifolds admitting special generic maps into the 3-dimensional Euclidean space

    16:10 – 16:30   Kengo Kawamura (Osaka City University)
    A generating set of oriented Roseman moves

    16:35 – 16:55   Inasa Nakamura (Kanazawa University)
    Simplifying numbers of branched covering surface-knots

September 10 (Mon.)
    09:30 – 10:10   Kent Orr (Indiana University)
    New Perspectives on an Old Problem of Milnor
    (joint work with Jae Choon Cha (Postech University))

    10:20 – 11:00   Jongil Park (Seoul National University)
    On symplectic fillings of a quotient surface singularity

    11:00 – 11:10   Closing