2024/08/30 |
子育てをしながら長期履修制度でがんばったKiran Jalilさんがついに学位のための公聴会を行いました.今後の活躍を期待しています.(詳細はこちら)
Kiran Jalil, who has been working hard while raising her children under the long-term registration system, finally had a PhD defense. We look forward to her future success.(Link) |
2024/08/08 |
博士研究員の木山 花さんと,M1の小田七星さんの2名が第97回日本細菌学会総会優秀発表賞を受賞しました.今後のさらなる展開に期待します.(詳細はこちら, こちら, こちら)
Postdoctoral researcher Hana Kiyama and Nanasei Oda (M1) received the Best Presentation Award at the 97th annual meeting of Japanese Society for Bacteriology. We look forward to their further development in the future.(Link,Link,Link ) |
2024/08/08 |
宮田が浅川賞の受賞講演を行いました.浅川賞は北里柴三郎博士が創設されたもので宮田の長年の夢でした.講演内容は聴衆の皆さまに伝わったと思います.(詳細はこちら, こちら)
Miyata gave the Asakawa Award lecture. The Asakawa Award was established by Dr. Shibasaburo Kitasato, and it has been Miyata's dream for many years. Miyata believes the audience understood the content of lecture.(Link,Link ) |
2024/08/07-9 |
Seven of us gave a presentation at the 97th annual meeting of Japanese Society for Bacteriology. It was meaningful three days. |
2024/06/28 |
卒業生の高橋大地さん,博士研究員の木山 花さん, D2のAhsan Aliさん,M2の三村萌音さん,田中芳樹さん,湯浅 永さん,M1の金森智士さん,小田七星さん,が生物物理学会の若手発表賞に輝きました.(詳細はこちら)
Graduate Daichi Takahashi, postdoctoral researcher Hana Kiyama, Ahsan Ali (D2), Mone Mimura (M2), Yoshiki Tanaka (M2), Haruka Yuasa (M2), Satoshi Kanamori (M1), and Nanase Oda (M1) were awarded the Early Career Presentation Award from the Biophysical Society of Japan.(Link) |
2024/06/27 |
卒業生で現在は岡山大で頑張っている高橋大地さんが生物物理学会の若手奨励賞に輝きました.これからのますますの活躍を期待しています.(詳細はこちら, こちら)
Daichi Takahashi, a graduate who is currently working at Okayama University, was awarded the Early Career Award in Biophysics from the Biophysical society of Japan. We look forward to his continued success in the future.(Link,Link ) |
2024/06/11 |
東北大に栄転した豊永さんの論文をbioRxivで公開しました.Mycoplasma mobile滑走運動のモーター構造をクライオ電子顕微鏡を用いて3.2 Åの分解能で解明しました.(詳細はこちら, こちら)
Dr. Toyonaga, who has moved to Tohoku University, has published a paper on bioRxiv, in which he elucidated the motor structure of Mycoplasma mobile gliding motion at 3.2 Å resolution using cryo-EM.(Link,Link ) |
2024/06/04 |
日本顕微鏡学会第80回学術講演会でM2の湯浅 永さんがポスター賞を受賞しました.(詳細はこちら)
Haruka Yuasa (M2) received the Poster Award at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Microscopy.(Link) |
2024/06/01 |
Researcher Kiran Jalil's paper has been published in Microscopy.(Link) |
2024/05/31 |
第51回日本マイコプラズマ学会学術集会で博士研究員の木山 花さんとM1の小田七星さんが優秀発表賞を受賞しました.(詳細はこちら)
Postdoctoral researcher Hana Kiyama and Nanase Oda (M1) received the Best Presentation Award at the 51st Meeting of Japanese Society of Mycoplasmology.(Link) |