Miyata lab


Our goal is to establish a lab where researches are performed with a grand scale and unimaginable smartness, and human resources grow like larvae. All around us, studying the fundamental principles of cells and motility in life on Earth are introduced here.


What's NEW

2024/04/03 助教の豊永さんと博士研究員の高橋さんが栄転,木山さんが博士研究員になりました.新体制での展開にもご期待ください.
Assistant Professor Takuma Toyonaga and Postdoctoral Researcher Daichi Takahashi have moved to new environment, and Hana Kiyama has become a postdoctoral researcher of our lab. We are looking forward to the development under the new organization.
2024/04/03 工学部の尾島由紘さん達との共同研究の,大腸菌膜小胞に関する論文が公開されました.急速凍結レプリカ電子顕微鏡法で貢献しました.(詳細はこちら, こちら
A paper on membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli, which was done in collaboration with Dr. Yoshihiro Ojima and his group in the Graduate School of Engineering, has been published. We contributed to this work by using quick-freeze replica electron microscopy.(Link,Link
2024/03/22 育志賞授賞式を学長に報告しました.大学のサイトでとりあげてもらいました.(詳細はこちら
We reported the award ceremony of the Ikushi Prize to the president of the university. The award ceremony was featured on the university's website.(Link
2024/02/28 木山 花さんの育志賞授賞式が東京の明治記念館で行われました.有意義な一日でした.
The Ikushi Prize Ceremony, in which Hana Kiyama participated as an awardee, was held at the Meiji Kinenkan in Tokyo. It was a meaningful day.
2024/02/15 3名の4年生が卒業研究発表を行いました.これからも期待しています.
Three fourth-year students presented their graduation research. We are looking forward to their further progress.
2024/02/08 修士2年のAlgiffari MUHAMMADくんが修士論文発表を行いました.今後にも期待しています.
Algiffari MUHAMMAD (M2) presented his master's thesis. We are looking forward to his further research.
2024/01/31 理研の加藤真悟さんたちとの共同研究の,ナノアーキアの構造に関する論文が公開されました.私たちの得意の急速凍結レプリカ電子顕微鏡法で貢献しました.宿主アーキアにはりついて細胞質を吸いとっている吸血鬼の様な場面が生々しいです.Editor's Pickにもなりました.(詳細はこちら
A paper on the structure of nano archaea, joint research with Dr. Shingo Kato’s group at RIKEN, has been published. We contributed to the paper by using our special technique of quick-frozen replica electron microscopy. Its vampire-like appearance is graphic, as it clings to the host archaea and sucks out its cytoplasm. The paper has become an Editor's Pick.(Link
2024/01/18 D3の木山 花さんが,日本学術振興会の育志賞を受賞しました.すばらしい快挙です.これからもますます期待しています.大学からプレス発表してもらいました.(詳細はこちら, こちら
Hana Kiyama (D3) received the Ikushi Prize from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). This is a wonderful accomplishment. We are looking forward to seeing more of her in the future. The university made a press release.(Link,Link
2024/01/09 宮田が日本細菌学会の最高賞である,"浅川賞"を受賞しました.新旧の宮田グループの成果が認められました.(詳細はこちら
Miyata received the "Asakawa Award", the highest award of Japanese Society for Bacteriology. The achievement of the past and current Miyata group was recognized.(Link
2024/01/05 神戸で行われた生体運動研究合同班会議 2024で,博士研究員の高橋大地さんと宮田が発表をしました.
Postdoctoral researcher Daichi Takahashi and Miyata gave a presentation at the Motility 2024 in Kobe.