Speaker |
Makiko Tanaka (Tokyo University of Science) |
Title |
コンパクト対称空間の対蹠集合 |
Date |
December 16 (Wed.) 2015, 16:30〜17:30 |
Place |
Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Bldg., E408 |
Abstract |
Japanese version only
Speaker |
Hitoshi Nakada (Keio University) |
Title |
How to find invariant measures for continued fraction maps |
Date |
October 28 (Wed.) 2015, 16:30〜17:30 |
Place |
Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Bldg., E408 |
Abstract |
Japanese version only
Speaker |
Satoshi Naito (Tokyo Institute of Technology) |
Title |
対称 Macdonald 多項式とその特殊化 --- pseudoQLS パス
を通して --- |
Date |
September 30 (Wed.) 2015, 16:30〜17:30 |
Place |
Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Bldg., E408 |
Abstract |
Japanese version only
Speaker |
Toshifumi Ikemori (Hitotsubashi University (Research Professor),
Mizuho-DL Financial Technology Co.,Ltd. (Technical Fellow)) |
Title |
数学で金融を合理的に組み立てる−金融工学の概要− |
Date |
June 10 (Wed.) 2015, 15:00〜16:30
(15:00〜16:15 lecture, 16:15〜16:30 discussion)
Place |
Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Bldg., E408 |
Slide |
(pdf file, 2.48 MB) |
Abstract |
Japanese version only
Speaker |
Shigeyuki Morita (University of Tokyo, professor emeritus) |
Title |
Date |
May 7 (Thu.) 2015, 16:30〜17:30 |
Place |
Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Bldg., E408 |
Abstract |
Japanese version only
Speaker |
Tsukasa Iwabuchi (Osaka City University) |
Title |
臨界型Burgers方程式の時間大域解と漸近挙動 |
Date |
April 15 (Wed.) 2015, 16:30〜17:30 |
Place |
Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Bldg., E408 |
Abstract |
Japanese version only