Friday Seminar on Knot Theory(2010年度)

組織委員 岩切 雅英

日時 2011年1月28日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 堀内 澄子(東京女子大学)
タイトル A two dimensional lattice of knots by $C_{2n}$-moves
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト We consider a local move on a knot diagram, where we denote the local move by $M$.
If two knots $K_1$ and $K_2$ are transformed into each other by a finite sequence of $M$-moves, the $M$-distance between $K_1$ and $K_2$ is the minimum number of times of $M$-moves needed to transform $K_1$ into $K_2$. A $M$-distance satisfies the axioms of distance.
A two dimensional lattice of knots by $M$-moves is the two dimensional lattice graph which satisfies the following : The vertex set consists of oriented knots and for any two vertices $K_1$ and $K_2$, the distance on the graph from $K_1$ to $K_2$ coincides with the $M$-distance between $K_1$ and $K_2$, where the distance on the graph means the number of edges of the shortest path which connects the two knots.
Local moves called $C_n$-moves are closely related to Vassiliev invariants.
In this talk, we show that for any given knot $K$, there is a two dimensional lattice of knots by $C_{2n}$-moves $(n>1)$ with the vertex $K$.
日時 2011年1月28日(金)14:30~15:30
講演者(所属) Sang Youl Lee(釜山国立大学)
タイトル On Tripp's conjecture about the canonical genus
for Whitehead doubles of alternating knots
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト In 2002, J. Tripp conjectured that the minimal crossing number of a knot coincides with the canonical genus of its Whitehead double. In this talk, I'd like to introduce a family of alternating knots for which Tripp's conjecture holds.
日時 2011年1月28日(金)13:00~14:00
講演者(所属) 小畑 久美(OCAMI)
タイトル A generalization of an enumeration on self-complementary graphs
for edge colored graphs
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト We plan to give a generalization of Tazawa-Ueno's theorem.
Tazawa-Ueno's theorem is a formula for enumeration on self-complementary bipartite graphs with given number of vertices. We generalize the enumeration to edge colored bipartite graphs. We also consider the case of edge colored digraphs as well as ordinary graphs. This talk is a joint work with Yasuo Ohno.
日時 2011年1月28日(金)10:30~11:30
講演者(所属) 金信 泰造(大阪市立大学)
タイトル Ribbon torus knots presented by virtual knots with up to 4 crossings
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト A ribbon torus knot embedded in the 4-space is presented by a welded virtual knot through the Tube operation due to Shin Satoh.
We make an attempt of classification of ribbon torus knots presented by virtual knots with up to 4 crossings, where we use the list of virtual knots enumerated by Jeremy Green. We make use of the classification of the groups of the virtual knots with up to 4 crossings due to Atsushi Ichimori.
日時 2011年1月21日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 森内 博正(OCAMI)
タイトル Covering link polynomials for generalized Kinoshita's theta-curve
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト Kinoshita's theta-curve $\theta(1,1,1)$ is almost unknotted theta-curve, that is, its constituent knots are all trivial. We consider generalized Kinoshita's theta-curve $\theta(i,j,k)$ by adding full-twists. In this talk, we introduce covering link polynomials to classify $\theta(i,j,k)$. We also mention influence on order-3 vertex connected sum of $\theta(i,j,k)$ and $\theta(i',j',k')$.
日時 2010年12月17日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 野坂 武史(京都大学数理解析研究所)
タイトル Mochizuki $3$-cocycle invariant of links
in $S^3$ is one of Dijkgraaf-Witten invariant
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト Let p be an odd prime, and $\phi$ the Mochizuki $3$-cocycle of the dihedral quandle of order $p$. Using $\phi$, Carter-Kamada-Saito combinatorially defined a shadow cocycle invariant of links in $S^3$. Let $M_L$ be the double covering branched along a link L. Our main result is that the cocycle invariant of L is equal to the Dijkgraaf-Witten invariant of $M_L$ with respect to $Z/pZ$ up to scalar multiples. We further compute Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants of some $3$-manifolds. In this talk, we present a simple proof of the equality. This work is joint with Eri Hatakenaka.
日時 2010年12月3日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 岩切 雅英(OCAMI)
タイトル Surface-links represented by 4-charts and quandle cocycle invariants II
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト In this talk, we study surface-links represented by 4-charts and their dihedral quandle cocycle invariants. As a consequence, we characterize 4-charts representing some surface-links including a 2-twist spun trefoil. We also prove that the braid index of a connected sum of a 2-twist spun trefoil and a spun trefoil is five, which is the answer to a special case of Tanaka's Problem.
日時 2010年11月26日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 鈴木 咲衣(京都大学数理解析研究所)
タイトル On the universal invariant of bottom tangles
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト A bottom tangle is a tangle in a cube whose boundary points are arranged on the bottom line, and every link can be obtained from a bottom tangle by closing. The universal sl_2 invariant of bottom tangles has the universality property with respect to the colored Jones polynomial of links. In this talk, we study the universal sl_2 invariant of certain types of bottom tangles.
日時 2010年11月19日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 中村 伊南沙(京都大学数理解析研究所)
タイトル Quandle cocycle invariant of a certain T^2-link
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト We consider a surface link which is presented by a simple branched covering over the standard torus, which we call a torus-covering link. A torus-covering $T^2$-link is determined from two commutative classical $m$-braids, which we call basis $m$-braids, and we denote by $\mathcal{S}_m(a,b)$ the torus-covering $T^2$-link with basis $m$-braids $a$ and $b$. In this talk we present the quandle cocycle invariant of $\mathcal{S}_m(b, \Delta^{2n})$, by using the quandle cocycle invariants of the closure of $b$, where $\Delta$ is a half twist of a bundle of $m$ parallel strands.
日時 2010年11月12日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 矢口 義朗(広島大学)
タイトル Infinite type invariant of surface braids with 4 branch points
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト Hurwitz action of the n braid group $B_n$ on the n-fold direct product of a group $G$ is studied. Hurwitz action can be used in study of surface braids. In this talk, we will give an infinite type invariant of surface braids with 4 branch points by determining the orbit decomposition of Hurwitz action on $G^4$ when $G$ is the semi-direct product $S_m\ltimes Z^m$, where $S_m$ is the symmetric group of degree m and $Z^m$ is the $m$-fold direct product of the cyclic group $Z$.
日時 2010年11月5日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 佐藤 進(神戸大学)
タイトル Fox colorings and cocycle invariants of roll-spun knots
(joint work with Masahide Iwakiri (OCAMI))
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト A roll-spun knot is a knotted 2-sphere in 4-space obtained by spinning a classical knot with rollings along the longitude. We show how to calculate the cocycle invariant of a roll-spun knot generally, and prove that the invariant of any roll-spun knot is always trivial in the case of the dihedral quandle.
日時 2010年10月29日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 岸本 健吾(OCAMI)
タイトル A relation between sharp move and Delta move
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト In this talk, we study certain local moves for knots. First we observe a relation between the sharp move and the Delta move. We show that the sharp-unknotting number of a knot is less than three times the Delta-unknotting number of the knot. Second we consider a property of the sharp-Gordian graph. The sharp-Gordian graph $\mathcal{G}_{\#}$ is a bipartite graph because a single sharp move changes the arf invariant. We show that, for any knot and any natural numbers $m,n$, there exists a complete bipartite graph $K_{m,n} \subset \mathcal{G}_{\#}$ such that $K_{m,n}$ contains the knot.
日時 2010年10月8日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 高尾 和人(大阪大学)
タイトル Normalization of the Rubinstein-Scharlemann graphic of Morse functions
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト The Rubinstein-Scharlemann graphic was introduced for studying Heegaard splittings and it has made a remarkable contribution to the recent development of this branch. However, the graphic is constructed through a pair of smooth functions on the 3-manifold and so has much ambiguity. To extract the maximum imformation from the graphic, we have to understand how the graphic can be changed by deforming these functions. In this talk, we collect local moves on the graphic realized by deforming the functions and take an approach to the normalization of the graphic.
日時 2010年6月11日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 金信 泰造(大阪市立大学)
タイトル Finite type invariants for a spatial handcuff graph
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト We first explain a finite type invariant, or Vassliev invariant, for a knot. Then we consider a finite type invariant for an embedded handcuff graph in a 3-sphere: We express a basis for the vector space of finite type invariants of order less than or equal to three for a spatial handcuff graph in terms of the linking number, the Conway polynomial, and the Jones polynomial of the sublinks of the handcuff graph.
日時 2010年5月28日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 井戸 絢子(奈良女子大学)
タイトル Rubinstein-Scharlemann graphic of 3-manifolds and Hempel distance
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト Graphic is introduced by Rubinstein-Scharlemann for studying strongly irreducible Heegaard splittings, and Kobayashi-Saeki showed that graphics can be regarded as the images of the discriminant sets of stable maps from the 3-manifolds into the plane.
In this talk, we give an introductory talk for the graphic, and also give a talk on an application of it, that is, we give a method to estimate Hempel distances.
日時 2010年5月21日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 升本 功樹(大阪大学)
タイトル On the hyperbolic volume of PSL(2,C)-representations
of fundamental groups
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト Let M be a cusped 3-manifold. For a PSL(2,C)-representation of the fundamental group of M , we can define the hyperbolic volume.
In this talk we will show that the hyperbolic volume of a representation is invariant by a mutation.
日時 2010年5月14日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 岡崎 真也(大阪市立大学)
タイトル On a homeomorphism obtained by bridge position of a knot
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト For a knot in bridge position of the three sphere, we have a Heegaard splitting of the three sphere such that the knot is included standardly in one of the Heegaard handlebodies. Then we obtain a Heegaard splitting of the zero surgery manifold along the knot from the Heegaard splitting of the three sphere.
In this talk, we consider how a Heegaard surface homeomorphism of this Heegaard splitting of the zero surgery manifold is obtained from the Heegaard splitting of the three sphere by the zero surgery of the knot. We show that a Heegaard surface homeomorphism is represented by a certain product of the generators of the mapping class group of the Heegaard surface.
日時 2010年5月7日(金)16:10~17:10
講演者(所属) 伊藤 昇(早稲田大学)
タイトル Chain homotopy maps for Khovanov homology
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト Khovanov homology is a categorification of the Jones polynomial of links.
As written in Viro's paper (O.Viro, Fund. Math. 184 (2004), 317--342), "the most fundamental property of the Khovanov homology groups is their invariance under Reidemeister moves". Khovanov homology groups are knot invariants because these groups are invariant under three types of Reidemeister moves. By giving explicit chain homotopy maps using Viro's definition of the homology, he proved the invariance under the first Reidemeister moves. This talk gives chain homotopy maps ensuring the invariance under the other Reidemeister moves. We also discuss a good property of the explicit chain homotopy maps.
日時 2010年5月7日(金)15:00~16:00
講演者(所属) 門上 晃久(East China Normal University)
タイトル Properties of Gauss phrase and category of regions
(with Yusuke Kiriu (Studio Phones))
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト A Gauss phrase is a totally ordered $2n$ letters in which the same letter appears twice. It is described by a map $w$ from the ordinary ordered set $\{1, 2, ..., 2n\}$ to an unordered set $\{1, 2, ..., n\}$. We note that the order of the former set is important, and the latter set is just a labelling set (i.e.\ we can take the latter set like $\{ dog, cat, ..., bird\}$). By dividing the former set into $m$ parts, we obtain an $m$-component Gauss phrase. The case $m=1$ is said a Gauss word. An element of the latter set is said a crossing. If we introduce the sign $+/-$ into every crossing, then we obtain a signed Gauss phrase, where the sign corresponds to the local intersection number of two arcs near the crossing from the parameter. By closing the ends, we obtain an $m$-component flat virtual link diagram. So we can say that a Gauss phrase is a ``pre-flat virtual link diagram". By introducing over/under information to every crossing of a signed Gauss phrase, we obtain a virtual link diagram. You can introduce some other structures (for example, Reidemeister equivalence) according to your purpose.

Firstly, we study properties of a Gauss phrase. As an example, we study checkability of a diagram. The property concerns deeply with an alternating virtual link. In particular, we discuss about uniqueness of minimal genus assignment for special cases, and non-classicality of one-virtualized diagram.

Secondly, from the techniques above, we discuss about operations among the complement regions of a diagram, and we define a category of regions. The concept is a dual of nanoword theory. This kind point of view has been already applied in proving Tait's flyping conjecture and in 2-knot theory.
We will apply for wider areas in the future study.
日時 2010年4月23日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 清水 理佳(大阪市立大学)
タイトル On the distribution of the ordered linking warping degrees
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト The ordered linking warping degree ld(D) of an ordered link diagram D is the number of non-self warping crossing points of D.
The arithmetic mean of ld(D) for all orders depends only on the non-self crossing number of D.
The standard deviation of ld(D) for all orders is zero if and only if D is in equilibrium.
日時 2010年4月16日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 門田 直之(大阪大学)
タイトル Generating sets of the mapping class group
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト It is a classical problem in group theory to find small generating sets and torsion generating sets. We will consider this problem for the mapping class group of a closed orientable surface.
In this talk, we will introduce some generating sets of the mapping class group. In addition, we will show that the mapping class group is generated by 3 elements of order 3.
日時 2010年4月9日(金)16:00~17:00
講演者(所属) 岩切 雅英(OCAMI)
タイトル Infinite sequences of mutually non-conjugate surface braids representing
same surface-links
場所 数学 第3セミナー室(3153)
アブストラクト In this talk, we give an infinite sequence of mutually non-conjugate surface braids with same degree representing the trivial surface-link with at least two components and a pair of non-conjugate surface braids with same degree representing a spun (2,t)-torus knot for t≧3.
To give these examples, we introduce new invariants of conjugacy classes of surface braids via colorings by Alexander quandles or core quandles of groups.
最終更新日: 2011年1月17日