
大阪市立大学数学研究所(OCAMI) での事業の一環として、代数セミナーを開始します。

連絡先 宮地 兵衛
大阪市立大学 大学院理学研究科 数物系専攻
E-mail miyachi[AT]sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp

数学教室は理学部に移転しました。 移転マップ

日時 2020年1月10日(金)14:00~15:00
講演者(所属) 吉脇 理雄
タイトル Interval-decomposable approximation of 2D persistence modules.
場所 理学部 E棟4階 講究室(E408号室)
アブストラクト Persistent homology, one of the main tools in topological data analysis, is used to study the persistence -- the lifetime -- of topological features such as holes, voids, etc, in data. While there is a need for practical tools applying the ideas of persistence to multiparametric data, multidimensional persistence is known to be difficult to apply practically and in full generality. One way to avoid these difficulties is to consider persistence modules that decompose into interval representations. We introduce a method for determining interval decomposability of 2D persistence modules. Moreover, we introduce an interval-decomposable approximation of 2d persistence modules. While this approximation is not a representation in general because it includes negative summands, it has good properties such as preserving the rank invariant. This talk is based on the preprints arXiv:1812.05261 and arXiv:1911.01637.
最終更新日: 2019年12月9日