date |
speaker |
title |
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3/4 |
Andrey Marshakov |
Tau-functions for quiver gauge theories |
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Pavlo Gavrylenko |
Residue formulas for prepotentials, instanton expansions and conformal blocks |
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Reiji Yoshioka |
q-Virasoro algebra and parafermion |
Yutaka Matsuo |
Instanton partition function, DDAHA and recursion formula |
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Toshio Nakatsu |
Gauge instantons in noncommutative space |
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Kentaroh Yoshida |
Recent progress on q-deformations of the AdS_5 x S^5 superstring |
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Io Kawaguchi |
A Jordanian deformation of AdS space in type IIB supergravity |
3/5 |
Yasuhiko Yamada |
Quantum Lax pairs for Painlevé systems and their solutions |
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Katsushi Ito |
ODE/IM correspondence and modified affine Toda field equations: I |
Christopher Locke |
ODE/IM correspondence and modified affine Toda field equations: II |
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Yuji Satoh |
Remainder function of N=4 SYM and massless TBA |
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Ryo Suzuki |
Exact spectrum of tachyons in AdS/CFT |
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Shota Komatsu |
Three-point functions in N=4 SYM at strong coupling |
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Satoshi Yamaguchi |
Wilson surface and AdS_7/CFT_6 correspondence |
Daisuke Kawai |
Schwinger pair production rate in confining theories via holography |
3/6 |
Masato Taki |
5d SCFTs, 5-brane webs and their duality |
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Yuhma Asano |
Emergent bubbling geometries through the localization method |
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Kazutoshi Ohta |
Exact Results in Supersymmetric Lattice Gauge Theories |
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Kazumi Okuyama |
Exact results on the ABJ theory |
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Sanefumi Moriyama |
ABJ Matrix Model and Fractional Branes |
Yosuke Imamura |
Factorization of S^3/Z_n partition function |
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Masazumi Honda |
Higgs branch localization of 3d N=2 theories |
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Sotaro Sugishita |
Exact results in supersymmetric field theories on manifolds with boundaries |
Andrei Mironov |
Knot polynomials: generic structures and equations |
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3/7 |
Yuji Sugawara |
Some Topics on the Modular Completions in SL(2)/U(1) Supercoset Theory |
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Kazuhiro Sakai |
Integrability of BPS equations in ABJM theory |
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Yusuke Kanayama |
BPS equations in deformed N=4 SYM theory |
Hirotaka Irie |
Non-perturbative Study on Duality and Phase Structure in Minimal String Theory |
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Takeshi Oota |
On Cherednik algebra and its root of unity limit |
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Alexei Morozov |
On knot polynomials |